Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dr Cherdack has Website - almost

I will soon have a web site to which you can gain access from the Bernards BOE site. It should be up and running in a week or two; as soon as the IT department gets a chance to review it and enter the URL link. [ If you were paying atttention you will have noticed that I neither used access as a verb - it isn't one; nor did I end a phrase with a preposition. You can learn more than physics around here, although learning just physics is good enough.]

Sunday, July 22, 2007


There are lots of scholarships available for a wide range of students. Many of them require that you show particular skill or interests by participating in programs, creating projects, performing public service, or a combination of these. You should be looking these opportunities over by now and deciding which of them are possibilites. The Siemens scholarship is an excellent example, and some of you should have given it serious thought. You guidance counselor is a good source of information on all this and she can point out websites and other resources for you to use to identify the scholarships which mught interest you.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Credit for Honors review Packet

I am still looking for the name of the person who submitted a review packet on blue lined paper.

It might make a difference to his or her grade. If you read this, please pass it on.

Back from vacation


I am back from a vacation to the Pacific Coast and Sierras in California. I will try to respond to emails by next Monday.