Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Honors and Mathematical Reading

If I were you I would refreah my memory on gravitational and electrical forces. You never know when there will be a reading quiz.

Honors Period 4 Force Lab

Imagine how pleased I was to see your out folder still full of the lab sheets for your force lab. It made me so glad I interrupted what I was doing yesterday to make sure they were available for you.

Please spare me experiencing the same pleasure tomorrow.

Study Groups

For Honors classes for this quarter, each group must meet at least once outside of school hours ( it can be at school). Every member of the group must turn ina report for each meeti ng. The report should be brief covering where, when, who was there, and what was covered ( in one or two sentences. )

If you fail to submit at least one report you will receive an incomplete for this quarter.

For the rest of the year you must meet and report once per unit. At least half the meetings should be outside school hours the remainder can be during lunch or study halls.

Notes on Work and Energy

Here are some good notes on Energy and Work. Read them they will make you smart ( as if that were possible).


Sunday, October 28, 2007

AP Energy Conservation Lab

The energy conservation lab, where I hope you demonstrated that delta KE = - delta, PE requires a formal write up . The write up must follow the outline in the course guide and your discussion and conclusion should convince me that you understand the principle involved and if, and how, it was demonstrated. It should also contain information such as the diameter of the object, how you measured it, how you calculated its velocity, and exactly how it felt about being treated the way it was ( oops skip the last part, this is physics not psych). Your reports are due Wednesday.

Friday, October 26, 2007

AP Unit 4 Worksheets

Just so you can have an excuse for not going out and carousing with your delinquent friends,which I know you really don't want to do, here are the worksheets:



Honors and Mathematical

All homework that has not been handed in and recorded for a unit, must be turned in on the testing day for that unit for you to receive credit. I will hold Unit3 open until Monday since some of you forgot this.

Mathematical Unit 4 Forces in 2D Schedule

Worth waiting for .... maybe.


Keep alert for the worksheets, which will be posted soon.

By the way, some pretty good work by many of you on the a=F/M lab.

Honors Unit 4 Revised Schedule

Here is a schedule with corrections to the equations. Just remember: typos are my most important product


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mathematical a=F/M lab

Read my comments on Honors a=F/M lab and save yourselves some trouble.

Honors a=F/M Labs

The period 2 lab reports continue to range from amusing to exasperating. At least you all plotted a on the vertical axis and something to do with mass on the horizontal axis. You should have plotted a vs 1/mass. Many of you plotted a vs mass instead of a vs 1/mass. Some of you plotted the 1/masses at equal intervals using , or rather misusing, EXCEL. You must use the scatter plot format to plot data at the proper locations on the horizontal axis. (EXCEL was designed for business purposes, not real calculations so their normal graphs destroy useful data).

Almost no one said what the space between the gates was; how many cm was the delta x in the calculation of a. Information like this belongs in your report

In many instances there were serious errors in calculating a. Some of you forgot to use the correct band length. Some of you rounded so carelessly your graphs came out lumpy instead of linear and your slopes became inaccurate. Someone used cm/s for v but used meters for for delta x so that a came out a factor of 100 high. This extremely high value was then used in the lab report as if nothing was wrong with it. Very few of you divided the kgcm/s2 by 100 to get kg m/s2 which is what you need if you are going to compare the slope to the force in Newtons [ 1N = 1 kg m/s2].

Nearly all of you said confidently that the slope was the force (including those who plotted graphs of a vs mass for which the slope was a/m instead of ma). However only three of you bothered to actually calculate the slope and compare it with the force, which is the only way you could demonstrate that slope which is a/(1/mass) =a x m actually does = F

It is not clear that most of you realize what the force causing the acceleration was in the two runs, so that you would know with what you should compare the slopes once you have calculated them. In fact only two of you indicated that you knew the force causing the acceleration was equal to the mass of the hanging weight x 9.8 N/kg. This comes to .98 N for a 100g hanging weight, .49 N for 50 g hanging weight, and 1.96 for a 200g hanging weight. Fix this. Calculate slopes, compare them with F and show the calculation and discuss the results and the reasons for them in your conclusion. You need to think and then demonstrate that you have thought, learned, and understood.

The last question about why the line of best fit intersects the horizontal axis at some point to the right of the origin elicited a few correct explanations. Think about the relation between a and 1/mass. If F = something greater than zero what does 1/mass have to be for a to equal zero? If a = 0 and 1/mass was not zero (i.e. the mass of the system was not infinite) what does that say about the net force on the system? If the net force is zero when the force of gravity was applying a force on the system what other force is probably present? 10 additional points of credit on the lab if you can identify it and calculate it for at least one run ( not trial). Again show the calculations and discuss the results and the reasons for them in your conclusion. You need to think and then demonstrate that you have thought, learned, and understood.

Your error analysis should not be a laundry list of what might have gone wrong but did not. It should just address the things that actually did or probably did happen. For example, don't say you might have had the timer on the wrong setting when you have only a 5 % error.

Discussions and conclusions are not the place to describe the procedure. Also they are not the place for a review of how you feel about the lab. You can't just say you learned a lot. You must show calculations that justify your conclusions. You must say exactly what you learned, probably expressing it in equations at some point.

I am hopeful that period 4 labs are better since they were warned before handing them in. We shall soon know.

Monday, October 22, 2007

To Parents of Honors Students

Approximate grades as of 10/17 can be found under the Teacher Defined 2 assessment. The other classes should be up in a day or two. While the individual assessments are valid, the student averages are meaningless because the system cannot match the way I do my weightings to address the different strengths of students.

These grades can change pretty drastically as new material is turned in; new tests are taken, and new material becomes due.

One important category where you may influence your childs performance is labs , and I will try to keep the labs fairly up to date. Please encourage your student to turn in labs on time and to think about what their purpose was and how to learn from them while writing the reports instead of getting them out in the shortest possible time with the least amount of effort.

AP Extra Problems for Unit 3 errors

Unfortunately I uploaded the wrong version of the extra problems. With the help of Sydney Orthmann I have uncovered a couple of errors and there may be more.

The errors so far are the tension in problem 7 should be 4 N ( you should have found the acceleration = 2m/s2) ; the answers c and d showing for problem 13 belong to problem 14 and the a for problem 14 is -6.6 m/s2. I will try to locate the correct version, but in the mean time stick with this one and I'll try to get through all the odd problems to check the answers by tomorrow.

AP Homework

There has been some ambiguity about your recent assignments. I will now clear that up. By tomorrow, i. e., Tuesday10/23, you should have completed the odd numbered extra problems and the practice problems. This will leave you Tuesday evening to study for the incredibly difficult test I am preparing for you. In fact, you probably should cut all your other classes just to study for it.

Well maybe not.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

AP Unit 4 Work and EnergySchedule

Here is the link to the AP Unit 4 Schedule. This is a first draft and there may be changes.


AP a=F/M Lab Reports

Your lab reports continue to range from amusing to exasperating. Some of you persist in plotting the wrong variables on the vertical and horizontal axis. Avs B means A on the vertical, B on the horizontal. You should have plotted a vs 1/mass. If you did the reverse, you must fix this. Nearly all of you said confidently that the slope was the force (including those who plotted 1/mass vs a for which the slope is 1/force). However only one of you bothered to actually calculate the slope and compare it with the force, which is the only way you could demonstrate that a =F/m.

It is not clear that most of you realize what the force causing the acceleration was in the two runs, so that you know with what you should compare the slopes once you have calculated them. Fix this. Calculate slopes, compare them with F and show the calculation and discuss the results and the reasons for them in your conclusion. You need to think and then demonstrate that you have thought, learned, and understood.

The last question about why the line of best fit intersects the horizontal axis at some point to the right of the origin elicited many very interesting, but few correct explanations. Think about the relation between a and 1/mass. If F = something greater than zero what does 1/mass have to be for a to equal zero? If a = 0 and 1/mass was not zero (i.e. the mass of the system was not infinite) what does that say about the net force on the system? If the net force is zero when the force of gravity was applying a force on the system what other force is probably present? 10 additional points of credit on the lab if you can identify it and calculate it for at least one run ( not trial). Again show the calculations and discuss the results and the reasons for them in your conclusion. You need to think and then demonstrate that you have thought, learned, and understood.

If you have not turned this lab in, or any other outstanding lab or resubmittal , do so by the Wednesday. All late labs do lose points

Friday, October 19, 2007

Honors and Mathematical Revised Sheet F-1

Here is a minor revision to Sheet F-1. It changes what is applying the force and what is feeling the force in Question 2.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Honors and Mathematical Physics Homework

Your assignment for the weekend is now to do the Worksheet F-1, posted a few days ago

AP New Homework - Forces Extra Problems

Your Assignemnt for the Weekend is now to do the odd numbered problems from the extra problems posted below:


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mathematical Physics Worksheet F-2

Here is worksheet F-2


Worksheeet F-2 for Honors Physics

Here it is WorksheetF-2Hnr.doc

AP Unit 3 Forces Worksheets

Here are the Worksheets and problem Sheet for Unit 3




AP a=F/M Lab

I am much too kind, a fault I am working to amend. We'll make this lab informal ( i.e. a minilab) as well, but the next one will be a formal one so don't even ask me about it.

Physics Club - Finally a club post

Item 1 The best way to enjoy the club is to be active. Volunteer to make a presentation on your favorite subject. Have something you're dying to learn about? Research the subject and then you can share your new knowledge with your buddies. If you need any help, I will be glad to provide it. Also don't forget feeding this army of physics enthusiasts is another way to participate. Sign up for bagel provider.

Item 2 Physics team members, we will meet briefly, Wednesday at 7:15 in 506 to review the activites and try to set up a meeting schedule. Email me whether or not you can make it. And best of all, its not too late to join.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Mathematical Physics Lab

Have your graphs form the a=F/m? lab ready by Tuesday. We will discuss them in class

Honors Unit 2 Test 2

Students who achieved a score of less than 77 on Unit 2 Test can take test 2 on Tuesday, subject to the following:
must have completed all Unit 2 Homework and attended a help session by before class Tuesday
You must tell me when you plan to take the test.

Test 2 will be given outside class hours.

Honors Section1 ( Period 2) Unit 2 Test

Please turn in your Unit 2 Tests on Monday. They will be returned to you by Tuesday morning

Thursday, October 11, 2007

To parents: Interim Grades Take 2

I posted interim grades as letter grades under assessment TD1. I have now been told that the system cannot transfer letter grades for assessments to your HAC. They are trying to cure this. If they don't succeed I will post numerical values under TD1.

Apparently, even though my comments, the more valuable part of an IPR, show on my screen. They will not transfer to HAC.

If there are any comments that require your attention I will forward them by email, provided you have sent an email to me so I have your address.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Honors Section 2 Period 4

Please have your parents send me an email so I will have their addresses. The address line should include the name so I don't have to hunt for it. (10 points of extra credit for doing this.)

Honors Unit 3 ( Forces) Schedule

Here is the schedule for our new unit on forces. The book assumes you are using vectors and 2 dimensions. We will start doing 1 dimension ( one direction) only, so don't worry about those few places where 2 dimensions are discussed.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Interim Grades

I posted interim comments on the Interim grade forms so they should be where you would normally find them on the interim grade sheets.

Because I attempted to develop a more comprehensive assessment of your performance in the class ( read that as looking for a way to allow you to turn in those missing labs and to give you a second test score to make up for the first test that you bombed) I had to post your interim grades in the assessment area of the Home Access Center under the title TD1. I hope they are there.

These grades are based on pretty early indications and they are neither reason to be discouraged nor to rest on one's accomplishments. I hope they do act as a wake up call to the delinquent amongst you.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Mathematical Physics Unit 3 Forces Schedule

Here is the schedule for Unit 3 which covers forces and the accelerations they cause.


AP Unit 3 Forces Schedule

Better late than never


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

NJIT Open House

The New Jersey Institute of Technology open house will be held Sunday October 28. For more information see the NJIT web site:

Chance to study medicine during the summer

There is a 10 day summer program for those who would be interested in pursuing career in medicine. It requires a GPA of 3.7 out of 4. It will be held in various major cities. The cost is substantial, but scholarships are available. Those students who did attend in the past enjoyed it and thought it worthwhile

If you are interested, see me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Honors Computer Labs

We will be using the computer lab on Thursday morning( Honors Sect 1 period 1) and next Monday ( Honors Sect 2 period 4) to practice entering data, calculating quantities, and creating graphs on a spreadsheet.

Make sure you have data tables from either the moving cart or free fall labs with you. Both is betterPublish Post

Lab Reports from Mathematical Class

1) The free fall lab report must be a formal report. You should discuss relationship between position graph and velocity graph, and the realtionship be the velocity graph and acceleration. Think about what the slope of a graph means with regard to change and time. See a previous post for more info.

2) Many of your lab reports for the moving cart followed no format at all. IF so your grade is conditional on your turning a correctly written lab report in the formal format for the Fall Lab. Otherwise you will lose 15 points from your current grade for the cart lab.

Monday, October 1, 2007

All students homework

Having decided that there was not already enouigh misery in the world, I have decided to add to both mine and yours. Please turn in all unentered ( i.e. those with no eps or RCs or checks on them) homework tomorrow. Please pass the word to your fellow students and to those other guys you hang out with who are in my classes.