Sunday, November 30, 2008

Topics in Physics Problem

For the first problem you start with equations that describe the fact that the spherical light wave illuminates the surface of sphere ct meters in radius. Thus for every point on the sphere we have xsqrd+ysqrd +z sqrd = r sqrd and since the light wave moves outward ct meters per second the radius is ct. One equation describes the events seen in K the other in k. I asked you to demonstrate that the events seen in one frame are consistent with the measurements of those events in the other frame. So if someone in K sees point x y z get hit by the light wave at time t, someone in k will see the same event and describe it as happening at t', x', y' and z'. In other words show that if point t,x,y,z, complies with the equation in K, then its transform in k complies with the equation in k. One way to do this is to take the k equation and write the four quantities as the transformed quantities from K, (i.e. replace t' with the correct function of phi, gamma,t,v,x, , x' with the correct function of phi, gamma, t,v,x etc. using equations (6). Then simplify this equation to see if gets you back to the K equation.


1) divide through by phi sqrd since it appears in every term.

2) gather all the t terms on one side and all the x terms on the other.

3) factor out csqrd t sqrd from one parentheses on one side

4) factor out xsqrd

5) remember what gamma sqrd equals

Friday, November 28, 2008

REpeat of Spreadsheet for Honors Lab

Just in case you overlooked the revision:

Sorry, left out the link. Here is the latest spreadsheet. Try using it to find pbefore and pafter and make sure they match. Remember that the last two runs Cart B comes in with a negative v. Note that v1 and v1' are for cart A; v2 and v2' are for cart B.

Lab sheets turned in on Monday if pretty good will be worth 25 extra credit points. They will all be due by Wednesday so do give it a shot.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and do think about all you have to be thankful for and about physics ( although that is redundant since physics is one of things you should be thankful for, after all, try cooking a turkey without heat transfer)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Spreadsheet for Honors lab

Sorry, left out the link. Here is the latest spreadsheet. Try using it to find pbefore and pafter and make sure they match. Remember that the last two runs Cart B comes in with a negative v. Note that v1 and v1' are for cart A; v2 and v2' are for cart B.

Lab sheets turned in on Monday if pretty good will be worth 25 extra credit points. They will all be due by Wednesday so do give it a shot.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and do think about all you have to be thankful for and about physics ( although that is redundant since physics is one of things you should be thankful for, after all, try cooking a turkey without heat transfer)

AP Lab

Due to popular demand ( really do to the lamentable lack of competence when it comes to swinging stopper over your heads) we will continue the lab on Monday. On the other hand you better be able to derive the relationship between omega and M1 for orbital motion. Just set M2 vsqrd/r = FG where FG = G M1M2/r sqrd. and G= 2/3 E-10

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember how much you have to be thankful for ( like physics, after all just try living without it).

Honors Homework

I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I left the height of the vacuum chamber out of problem 3 again. The height is 1m. Use this to find the field. The use that field, tec to find how far the nucleus rise during its .5m of horizontal travel. Let me know if it hits the top befoer reaching the end.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Honors Homework

About the review sheet homework:Tonight do the first 6 questions and the first problem. Complete the sheet for Monday. In all cases place answers on clean homework sheets. Answers should show work as needed and answer in sentences such as the horizontal distance traveled by the cannonball is 22500m. You keep the questions and answers sheets.

Honors Momentum Lab Data

Here is the data that might make sense. Your job is to use this data to demonstrate that
p before = p after. You need to figure out which times to use for which velocities.

Look at the masses to figure out whether cart A bounced back off cart B or continued moving forward.

Note for the last two cases cart B was moving as well as cart A before the collision. For these cases you are better off comparing Delta pA with Delta pB . They should be equal but opposite. Make sure you get the signs right for these runs in particular vA and vb are opposite.

AP Centripetal Force Lab

Here is the Lab Sect 4 did today and Sect 3 will do tomorrow

AP Test on Unit 5

On some of your answer sheets I placed a (-) sign in front of the impulse on the probe. This is is NOT correct during grading some versions I thought the question was the impulse on the main capsule which would have been negative but the question on all versions was impulse on the probe which is positive.

Topics in Physics

Your assignment for Monday 12/1 is

1) do the exercise on page 11 of the notes, i.e. show that equation 7 transformed using equations 6 yields equation 8

2) Using the final transforms on page 12 demonstrate that

c squared tau squared is the same in all frames where
c squared tau squared= csquared tsquared - xsquared-ysquared-zsquared

This looks a lot better when you write correctly.

Enjoy your holiday, but never quit doing and thinking physics.

AP Schedule Change More Links for Rotational Motion

Here are more links.

1) Add Problem Sheet r-3 to your assignment due Monday 12/1

2) Note that the links Problem Sheet R-1 and R-2 are for the the items that are called WS R-1 and WS R-2 on your schedule.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

AP Schedule, Lab etc

1) Your crash lab is due Monday. Its formal

2)Here's your schedule and some links. Rest are coming. Make sure you do the reading by Monday before class.

AP Unit 6

There will be a folder in the folder rack with an assortment of sheets for thisunit in the rack. Most of this stuff will be posted but if you want grab some stuff rather than download it, here is your chance. First come first served, one copy per person.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

AP Momentum Lab 2

Here is the link for our latest triumphs. Incorporate this new data into your labs as an addition, not a replacement, for the other runs.

All Students Study Groups

As of the next unit a one hour meeting of your group outside class per unit is required. Each student must prepare a report consisting of four or five sentences saying where, when, who was there and what was studied.

AP Assignment

Since you folks are all so intelligent. Here is a tough one to do tonight.

A rocket is launched vertically from the ground with an initial velocity of 0. The rocket motor produces a constant force for 5 seconds and then burns out. The rocket has a mass of 0.5kg and reaches a maximum height 0f 150 m ( that includes coasting). What is the impulse delivered by the rocket motor. ( Don't forget gravity operates during the first 5 seconds)

AP Momentum labs

Here are the spreadsheets for the momentum labs for Sections 3 and 4. Download the sheet for your class and test each run for momentum and energy conservation. The momentum conservation should be pretty good with just some slight losses to friction. Energy conservation should be another matter due to losses to crinkling tape, smashing velcro, creating noise , etc. Since I did not get the links up until this morning the labs will be due on Friday.

This lab requires a formal writeup.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blog Downloads

It seems that some down loads are occurring but the file storage site is still seeing more traffic than is actually occurring. If you have used or do use the download feature on the blog, email me with what you tried to do, exactly when,  and what actually happened. Someone may have a virus or corruption that is causing the problem.

Documents and Links

My webpage on off course will not let me upload documents. I am waiting for advice from our tech people on that and for info from my other file storage site as to why they think 135 KB of download exceeds a 150 MB limit.

Stay tuned as I try to work out the latest folds and wrinkles in cyberspace.

Topics in Phyiscs

Read through the notes up to equation 7. Be prepared, you will have an assignment for Thursday.

Computer Graphics Type

Out Techxplore team is in need of some one with expertise in computer graphics. Join our team as we try to create a solution to  an important problem in  modern life (no, not how to get instant updates on paris Hilton's latest exploits) and then build a great presentation. Send me an email or stop by 506 ASAP if you are interested


My file hosting site is having problems. Check my website AP and Honors Materials pages, I will try to upload files there.

Friday, November 14, 2008

AP Assignment

For homework this weekend do the colliding pendulums problem with m2 = .5m1 and then for m2 = 4 m1

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Honors Assignments

Since we are running a bit behind our pretty ambitious schedule, we will be spending more time on 2 D forces and motion basics. I'll give you until Monday to complete the assignments to date. By Tuesday we should have completed projectile motion (motion in a field) and start to discuss momentum and collisions. We should have another, more quantitative 2D quiz on Thursday. Stay tuned for more details.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

AP Momentum Solutions

Get em while they're hot. Fresh back from a sojourn in cyberspace solutions to selected Unit 5 problems

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Topics in Physics

Here is the material on Relativity. Download it and print out the and read the first five pages by Thursday.

Honors Projectile Lab

We will try to get to this lab this week. Look it over.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

All students The force of gravity

There will be a quiz tomorrow and any student who tells me the force of gravity = 10 N or 9.8N or is the same on all objects will receive a failing grade.

All Students Homework

We are tired of trying to guess what homwork assignment we are looking at. All homework must clearly identify the assignment if it is to be recorded. It should give page number or chapt number if end of the chapt problem ( about the only kind of text problem for AP). If a problem sheet or worksheet, it should give sheet name and number where appropriate and problem numbers

AP Unit 5 Schedule Etc

Here are the materials for Unit 5 on Momentum and Collisions

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Honors Sect 2 ( 6th period)

My homework records for this class show lots of blanks. Your home work grades may be lowered dramatically from current HAC. My records show about 42 assignments and most of you have turned in about 20-30. I find this hard to believe. Please do me the following favor. Gather all your home works in chronological (by date) order, clip them together as best you can and bring them in tomorrow. This will ruin my weekend, but its for your sake that I need to get this settled.

AP Solutions

Here are some solutions. I wrote these a while ago and haven't checked these lately. Hope they help.

Monday, November 3, 2008

AP Worksheets

This is your homework for the next two nights. The sooner you do it the sooner you'll know what you need to go over before the quiz Wednesday. The second sheet is really easy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

AP Assignment due Monday

We are moving up the schedule a bit. DO the problem sheet for class Monday so we can go over all the potential problems for the unit before the test.

Honors Sect 2 (Period 6)

Everyone, please turn in your Static Electricity Labs. Also, if you were one of the 9 who got your a=F/M lab back last Monday turn that back in too. The system failed to save them when I entered them last Monday. No fooling around with the grade guys.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

All Honors

Monday and Tuesday we will do a lab I usually reserve for APs but it does make the idea of components of forces really clear and you should get really good results.
Please down load it and look it over carefully. We will do it for one position only not three and it will be a height of about 70 cm. If we get it done quickly enough we will then get to do a lab for projectile motion which most students have fun doing.

Components Lab

Projectile Motion Lab

Honors Section 3 ( Period 9)

Be prepared to redo the electrostatics lab on Monday and to do it quickly.