Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Reading

For those of you searching for some light summer reading, here is a copy of a paper by the (I hope) soon to be other Dr. Cherdack. I have been reviewing and proofing. If any of you would like to look it mover and offer suggestions I would be much obliged. If you find the paper a pretty hard slog, don't be discouraged, it is part of a doctoral thesis in particle physics.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Email is Up and global warming etc.

Should have posted this sooner: email is back up and has been for a few days.

Just a word about science and politics. This winter you may have noticed some politicians making pronouncements about how a few inches of snow in Washington proved that global warming was a myth. You probably didn't hear from these folks in the past few days. By the same token, a string of hot days in July does not prove that global warming is real. On the other hand, long term temperature trends, melting ice caps and disappearing glaciers are a little harder to argue away.

Real science begins with INTELLIGENT observation not superficial impressions nor misinterpretations of data to suit your prejudices.

.... and by the way, no mysterious force pushes you into a roller coaster seat; the seat pushes on you as it changes your velocity. You feel pressure on your backside not your lap.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

E Mail

1) E Mail's down again so its not that I am ignoring you [much as I'd like to.]

2) To help you keep thinking about physics visit these two site every once in a while. History may be being made at LHC on any given day. ITER may hold the key to solving our energy problems for good. We could think about these as themes for the physics club.