Monday, November 29, 2010

Honors Research Topoics

1) TV group I have not forgotten you. Since your topic is a combination of electric force, magnetic force and electrons interacting with atoms to produce light, you should look over those topics in the light and magnetic groups. You also should understand how highly energetic electrons interact with phosphors to produce light. Each electron must produce thousands of photons.

2) laser group is also not forgotten. Understand light and then investigate energy levels of interest in lasing. How are electrons excited to these levels without causing them to emit before they are pulsed. Find out how the lasers in pointers and CD players work. What are substances used, how are they energized (pumped), light frequencies, how frequently they are pulsed, how are pulses focused or aimed.

Food Drive

Guys, you've been great so far but let's make a big push for the end. Now that we are all overfed from this past weekend, let's be generous to others. Pick up several items on sale and bring them in. Place them by your book bag the night before.

Honors Section2 Fire Drill Thursday

Fire drill Thursday at 9:03. Bring coats if its cold.

Honors Sub topics for research

Here are the topics I think you should cover in your research. Some groups have a long list so I don't insist everything in your list to be covered by those groups, but give it your best shot.

Most important: You must understand what you present.

You will present a series of lessons using white board and or slide shows. Labs and demos are even better.

You will also supply a written report to me containing everything you present and a bibliography of references.

Research subtopics for Honors

A. Magnetics
1. Why currents produce magnetic fields that affect a moving charge
a) Force between charges – Coulomb’s law, electric field
b) electric field
c) define a current
d) Lorentz contraction of moving charge
e) F =qvXB defines B
f) B forms loop around current
2. Force on currents
a) get from qvXB to F= ILXB use I = (q/L) v
3. Why moving field produces force on static charge
a) B lines are closed loops
b) v is relative velocity of q to B
c) B moving through closed loop

B. Light
1. What is light
a. Classical electromagnetic wave explanation of transverse wave
b. Frequency and wavelength range
2. Light and atoms
a) Bohr model – electric force = centripetal force, KE vs PE allowable energies and radii for Hydrogen
3. Optics
a) refraction: Snel’s law, total internal reflection
b) Lenses and images

C. Sound Waves
1. Compressive waves
a) general model wavelength =c T
b) solid or spring
c) pressure relationship to number of particles/mcubed in gas
2. Speed of compression wave
a) solid
b) liquid
c) gas – how temperature affects it need to know some thermodynamics
3. Wave energy and momentum
a) calculate as function of amplitude, speed , and materials
b) reflection and transmission at interfaces

D. Cosmology/Black Holes
1. Gravitation
a) Equation for F of grav. Circular orbit FG = Mac
b) Potential energy and KE for circular orbit
2. Light and gravity
a) Mass of photon from Energy = hf and E= mc^2
b) Schwartzchild radius ( event horizon)
3. Black Hole formation
a) processes for star
b) Mass needed
4. Time dilation at/in black hole
a) Relativity effects of gravity

E. Music
1. Define resonance
a) wave pattern wavelength = cT
b) wave speed on string – speed of sound see above
c) types of reflection – fixed and free end
2. Standing waves on string frequencies and wave lengths
a) from node location; fundamental and harmonics
b) from speed and reflection; fundamental and harmonics
3. Standing waves in air column frequencies and wave lengths
a) from node location; fundamental and harmonics
b) from speed and reflection; fundamental and harmonics
c) reed resonance

F. Particle Physics
1. Types
a) leptons and quarks
b) hadrons
c) “force particles”
2. Four forces
a) particle quantities ( charge weak charge color)
b) interaction results
3. Rules for particle creation
a) energy conservation
b) charge conservation
c) baryon number
d) generations
4. Accelerators
a) types
b) principles of operation
c) key specs for a few accelerators
5. Detectors
a) principles of operation
b) properties for each particle type
6. Why colliders?

G. Ocean Waves
1. Describe wave
a) particle motion
b) shape
c) wavelength
d) speed
2. Formation
a) By wind
c) Tsunami
3. Behavior at shore
a) interaction with bottom
b) change in depth
c) change in speed and height ( conservation of energy and momentum)
d) collapse and curl
e) undertow


There will be retests available Thursday for

Honors who got a score ( not a %) of 80 or less on the last test. Highest grade on retest will be 80

AP Section 4 who scored less than 90

AP Section 5 who scored less than 80.

Highest grades on retest will be a B-

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Monday and Tuesday

I will be out Monday and probably Tuesday. Apologies to those with appointments. Please be good for the sub. Worksheets will be handed out, I hope, please try them individually and then by group.

Honors Lab

Both sections read this. It will help Section 2 write reports and Section 3 understand what they'll be doing Thursday

All the PE initial should ( i.e. is expected to) become KE at the bottom. KE has both rotational and translational (linear) parts. Rotational KE is I omega ^2/2 and

I for a sphere is 2MR^2/5 so we have

KE rotational = 2MR^2/5 times omega ^2 /2 or
KE rotational = 2M(R omega)^2/5 /2 and of course R omega = v so

rotational KE is 2Mv^2/5 /2 = Mv^2/5.

Translational KE is Mv^2/2 so

total KE is (1/5 +1/2) Mv^2 = .7 Mv^2.

From this you should be able to find your expected value for v given your initial PE (i.e. Mgh).

This is already too much help. You should be able to r the rest now. Remember, discussion should be more than answering lab sheet questions. You must decide if our hypothesis about total KE is correct.Thus, you must find percent error using either measured vs expected v or measured vs expected KE.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Honors Assignment

In order to learn about waves we need to learn a bit more about rotational motion and then about oscillations. Here are some notes and problems about linear and rotational motion. Read the notes and do the problems for Monday. Also try writing the equations for tangential motion. They should come out as corresponding to the linear motions equations except with tan subscript for v and a and an s instead of x

HTML Link:

If you want get a heads up on where you will be going with waves read the first few parts of these notes. Go as far as you can if you are in a wave related group.

Also read these about wave speeds if you are in a wave group
Speed of Longitudinal Wave

Speed of Transverse Wave

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Honors Research work

I see I did not make my wishes clear last time. Please identify 3 major facts, equations, relationships, that are fundamental to your topic and that you will teach the class. Place these (one per group) in the in folder making sure they are marked as project work somewhere in the title and also dated.

AP Lab for Wednesday

Please read this so we can do this lab quickly tomorrow.

Power Lab

In this lab we will determine the power you deliver in raising yourself with and without the average back pack one story. You will calculate the change in potential energy you gain and the time it takes you to gain it. Finding the ratio will give you the power you deliver running up the stairs.

Facts you may need:

1 horsepower = 746watts

1lb mass = .454 kg

g =9.8 N/kg


W= DKE +DPE. Find KE using v found from distance = (Dh/cos (45)) +2


Choose a timer, a runner, and a starter for your group. Starter stays at the bottom and timer stands at the top. . Make sure your timer can here you when the runner starts.

Measure the change in height from the first to the second floor.

Measure the runner’s weight in lbs and the backpack’s

Runner ______lb Pack _____ lb convert these to kg for use in finding Joules and Watts

The runner will make 4 runs:

one at a walk without the pack;

one at a walk with the pack;

one at top speed with the pack

one at top speed without

Calculate the power for each run in watts ( 1 watt = 1 J/s). Analyze the effects of change in speed and work done on the power.

Is the kinetic energy is negligible compared to the gain in potential energy?


Last chance to bring in food before Thanksgiving.

Honors Assignment

Section 2:

1) Recalling that torque is work per radian, find how much work is done by a force of 300 N applied to a sprocket of radius 6 cm (not m)on a bicycle wheel when the wheel makes 3 turns. Assume the wheel is attached to a bicycle with a rider on it with a total mass of 100 kg, and the the bike was at rest to begin with. How fast is the bike going after three turns of the wheel ( note sprocket and wheel turn together - the sprocket is the gear on a bike's rear wheel)? Use the relationship between work done and KE to figure this out.

2) If all the wheel's mass of 1 kg is at the rim how much rotational KE does the wheel have at the speed you just found? Is it important compared to the total KE so that you need to revise your calculation or is it negligible?

Show all work.

Section 3: Recall that angular acceleration, alpha, is torque/I. If a force (all tangential) of twenty Newtons is applied to the end of a .4 m long crank attached to a disk with a moment of inertia (I) of .5 kg m^2, what is the resulting alpha? What is omega after two seconds? Repeat the problem only with a force of 80 N.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Honors Assignment

For Monday, read Torque Notes and do this sheet.

Nice Work

Nice work on the food drive; but we have along way to go. If you haven't brought any, bring food Monday. If you have, keep up the good work. Shop for rice and cereal or good canned goods on sale this weekend and place them near your book bag Sunday night.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 18, 2010




We will be doing research over the next few days combined with learning more about torque and energy of rotational motion. For tomorrow, be prepared for doing research on the web or in books. Group should present three concepts, relationships, equations concerning their topic by the end of the period, so get started tonight.
Read Notes on Torque over the weekend. [ If you get those dopey little boxes just highlight them, change the font to symbol and translate from the Greek - its really not hard to figure out what the letters should be.]

AP Energy and Work Unit 6 Schedule

Here it is
HTML Link:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Group reports

Reminder AP group reports once a week or no grade. Honors, once a unit or no grade.

AP Book Problem Answer

Chapter 9 problem 17 answer is 1.43 NOT .143 m/s

University of Richmond Physics

For those of you thinking about where to apply for college, here is a note I received from a professor at University of Richmond [The links are not live so contact me if you want more information]:

Last fall I wrote to you as one physics teacher to another to tell you about several opportunities in physics at the University of Richmond. I’m writing to you again to share with you some of the highlights from the previous year, in the hopes that you will pass this information on to any of your students who may be interested in pursuing physics and finding out more about our department.

  • Last year, in addition to our regular courses, offered additional elective courses in optics, electronics, and advanced quantum mechanics. Our advanced courses typically have about 12 students in each class. (Even our first-year physics courses are capped at 24 students each. None of our physics courses are taught by TAs or graduate students.)
  • Our six tenure track professors published 34 physics articles in major research journals last year, demonstrating that our faculty are respected leaders in their fields. Moreover, nine students were coauthors on these papers, demonstrating real undergraduate involvement in cutting edge research.
  • Professor Ted Bunn won a $187,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study cosmic microwave background radiation. He and Professor Jerry Gilfoyle were also awarded $162,000 from the NSF for a new supercomputer cluster. Professor Con Beausang won three new awards from the Department of Energy ($143,000 total) for studying nuclear physics. From these and other ongoing grants, we paid salaries for 17 undergraduate students doing summer physics research in 2010.
  • Ten students traveled to national and international physics conferences this year (including meetings in Hawaii, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.) to present results of their research with their professors.

The University of Richmond is a highly selective liberal arts university with just over 3,000 students, offering small classes and opportunities for one-on-one work with professors. Our small size and tremendous resources give our students many opportunities to do real cutting-edge research as undergraduates.

It would be my pleasure to talk with you or your students personally about our program; you can contact me directly either by email or by phone. I hope that I will have the opportunity to speak with you and your students sometime soon!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Food Drive

Ridge is having its food drive again. Honors 2 should bring food to 506. Any other students not participating in a first period food drive in some other room should bring food to 506.


It means bring in nonperishable food for those less fortunate. Bring it in and bring it often.

Here is part of the announcement: [and by the way, if we can wait two weeks for a pickup I will be terribly dis appointed in you folks.]

The pantry will accept any non-perishable items, but there is a significant need for coffee, cereal, rice, and sugar. Donations will be collected by the sophomore class officers every two weeks (unless you need an early pick-up, in which case you can email us). As a token of our appreciation (and a little bit of bribery), the class with the highest number of donations (throughout the month-long challenge) will be rewarded with a DELICIOUS BAGEL PARTY! Please encourage your class to donate!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grades on HAC

I have posted your quarter grades on the High Anxiety Center. They appear as "Project 11/9 Qrtr Grade" or whatever HAC translates my entry into. This is the grade that should appear on your "report card". On the whole they are pretty high and nice work folks.

If you are feeling any sense of gratitude about your grade, I wouldn't mind seeing a little red two seater in my parking spot when I come to work some morning, preferably something with a prancing stallion as its emblem.

In the mean time, particularly honors, while most of you can be pretty satisfied with your performance to date, the bar is being raised, so do not relax. In fact, try even harder.

Honors Rotational Motion Schedule

Here is your new schedule. Once again, theta looks like an O and omega looks like a w. This is really not my fault. Despite what many of you may think, I was not around when the Greek and Roman alphabets were developed.

Note the test or quiz on Thursday.

Friday, November 12, 2010

AP Data

Here it is for both sections. Enjoy what looks to be a really nice weekend. Formal Lab report due Tuesday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

AP Section 5 Data

See if you can complete the columns to calculate pA pB pA' pB' and find the if the momentum before = momentum after and % error and also if delta pA = - delta pB and % error. We'll do some more runs tomorrow.

Honors Centripetal Problems

Do these as well as the second problem sheet tonight.

Centripetal Acceleration and Force Problems.

1. A 1800 kg car going at 55 mph ( 1 m/s =2.24 mph) goes around a curve with a radius of 100m. What is the car’s centripetal acceleration, ac? What is the friction force required for it to make this turn?

2. A satellite of 80 kg mass orbits the earth at a distance of 6.6x10^6 m from the earth’s center. It makes one orbit (one rotation) in 5300 seconds. What is its ac? What is the force required to keep it in orbit? What supplies this force (what kind of force is it)?

Summer program

Here is info about a science, engineering , pre med program for juniors at Vanderbilt. If you are interested in doing this let me know by email immediately. You do not have to commit to it now, just say you might want to do it. [This is not a live link. You'll have to enter this URL manually.]

Thursday, November 4, 2010

AP Assignment

Read Chapt 9 and Sect 1,2,3 make sure you read pg 265 and think Fnet avg where book uses Favg

Do Chapt 9 Quest 1 , 2 ( use concepts of not just equations of Fnet =Ma and Delta v =a Delta t in your explanation) MC 19 problems 1,3,7

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Calculators in 506

Someone removed a TI 83 from 506 today. It has initials CI on the back; please return it.
Two more modern TIs were left in 506 . Contact me if you are missing one.

Honors Lab on Power

Lab sheet has a n error 1 kg = 2.205 LB NOT the other way around.

Lab report is informal. Please share data with the cross country runners and other absentees

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Every time I post grades on HAC I get a bunch of emails from people who do not bother reading the notice. The post announcing the grades said "Just your test/quiz, lab and homework grades are relevant." Your project grades are not posted because your project inputs have come in in ways that require lots of sorting out, like printing emails that do not describe whether they are for groups or individuals, topics or questions, etc.

AP Sheet R2

Please use this instead of old R-2 if you are doing R-2 problems. It fixes some sloppines on question 2.

Grades on HAC

Your grades are now posted on the Home Accident Center. Pay no attention to the overall grade. Just your test/quiz, lab and homework grades are relevant. Many of you have very low grades on labs because you had not submitted or resubmitted labs. See me s becomes a 60 or less unless rectified. We seem to be having a crisis in Honors Section 3 with labs just not coming in. The labs are 20 % of the course, act accordingly.

I'll try to post Honors project grades soon. For many of your questions it was not clear whether they were group or individual questions. Please make sure you have both in.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Honors Waves

All of you doing light and sound and ocean waves should read the notes on waves (all); material properties and longitudinal waves (sound) and transverse waves ( light and resonance for string instruments). Notes on optics are helpful for those working on those lenses and reflections. Resonance is associated with what are called standing waves so those doing instruments should try the worksheet on standing waves