Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Those taking the retest tomorrow should email me with the time they are taking the test which must be outside of their physics class hours.

AP New Notes on Physical Optics

Use this, the old one has typos.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Late Labs

Since I made the offer to one delinquent I will make it to everyone. Labs due before 3/18 will be accepted until April 4. They will receive half credit, i.e. half of what they are graded at. This does not apply to resubmits, which are also due by April 4.

Monday, March 28, 2011

AP Problem Sheet

For tonight just try 1-8, then do 9 through 12 Wednesday night. We'll do the rest later.

Honors Project Tasks

Each group should turn responses to today's tasks by Wednesday

AP Lightwave Notes

Read these tonight.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Honors Revised Magnetics worksheet M

Here is the link to a revised sheet with fewer errors. I'll try to post a better magnetic fields and transport set of notes soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I am offering one retest to Honors and one to AP. The retest will be on one of the following: Electric force and fields, Electric Potential, Currents. The choice will be yours, one choice for AP one choice for honors. You must work it out amongst yourselves, and appoint one spokesperson for AP and one for Honors. I need an email by Monday so I have time to write the tests.

The retest will replace your lowest score among the three topics listed above, even if its not the same topic. It must be taken next Thursday, outside of your normal class hours. No regular class time will be spent on discussing it or reviewing for it, whatsoever. I make ample time available outside of class hours.

Overdue Labs

All Labs due by last Friday will be accepted no later than tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Magnetics Notes

There is an error in sample calculation of magnetic field with 5,000 amps in wire. I left out 2pi from the denominator.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


For your homework this weekend, review everything we have done about currents and make sure you can do all the problems assigned so far. Also make sure you understand that currents arise when materials that contain mobile electrons are exposed to an electric field, i.e. have a voltage drop placed across them ( like get a battery plugged in across them.

Make sure you understand that parallel components are those whose right ends are connected and whose left ends are connected and that currents through parallel components add to yield the total current.

Series components are where right end connects to left end and a single current flows through all elements in series.

If you have any questions make sure you bring them up on Monday.

AP Schedule

We are now in sprint mode. I am having surgery on April 11 ( during break so my recovery time will have minimum impact on you) and hope to return by April 25. When I look at the schedule I see we have fewer than 30 days together until the exam. During this time, we must cover magnetism, light, and modern physics and have ample time for review. Therefore, it is imperative that you do your assignments. Again your homework grade will be a large component of you overall grade for this and next quarter.

Here is your schedule, etc.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Everyone Back Pack Collection Drive

Got a back pack you no longer love. Here's a way to give it to someone who really could use it. A backpack drive for Hondurans:

All of the backpacks collected from the drive will be sent to Hearts for Honduras, an organization that helps disadvantaged Honduran students escape poverty through education. We are requesting gently used backpacks, but any backpack would be greatly appreciated! There is a collection box next to the welcome desk in the main lobby and will be there until March 31.

AP Test

The lab durations having reached new records have led to the circuits
test being pushed back 'til Monday. Make sure you study over the weekend. We will do a little more review tomorrow but we will also start Magnetics. Your assignment for tomorrow is:

Read Chapt 24 Sect 1-4 and 8Do Chap 24 Concept Ques 3,5,7 probs 1,3,9

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Honors and AP Quizzes

Due to the truly extraordinary amount of time we are spending on labs, the AP quiz will be on Friday and the Honors quiz will be on Monday or Tuesday, to be determined by class vote.

AP Help sessions will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, from now on.

Field Plotting Lab

Regarding the two questions at the end of the packet:

First question. Consider the distance between two equipotential lines that differ by 1/2 a volt. If the field is weak this distance would be large. If the field is strong the distance would be small. Since field lines are supposed to be closer together where the field is strong, equipotential lines would be closer together, provided that each equipotential line is a constant delta V higher ( or lower) than the next, wherever the field lines are closer together.

Ignore the second question.


WE have a silver Edition TI-84. On the other hand someone is missing a different TI-84 silver edition. Please check to see if the TI-84 silver edition in your possession is yours.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have posted your grades on HAC. Again, only the three category grades are relevant, HAC's overall grade calculation is not correct.

My guess is a bunch of you should no longer be counting on Mom and Dad rushing out and getting that new car for you after all. A little more homework and a few more labs wouldn't be a bad idea.

If your lab grade is low, maybe its time to clear up all those see me notes you have been ignoring.

AP, remember that homework is a bigger component of your overall grade this quarter and next.

Pleasant dreams everyone.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Honors Schedule for Currents

Currents are the flow of charged particles. We will study them for several reasons including gaining understanding of electric energy and power, magnetic fields, and plasma heating and confinement. Here are your schedule , notes, etc. This schedule covers our introduction to currents. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE NOTES BY CLASS MONDAY

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Here is a good resource for fusion power research. Download the summary and full report and read the summary by Friday. It is focused on the reactor so its a weak on the thermo and generator portions of the plant, but it can form the basis for the designs of the four other groups.

Also note there are four variations based on plasma physics differing assumptions about the plasma physics. Don't worry about these details yet. We'll pick one soon.

It's not a live link so you'll have to copy and paste it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All Students

I realize that the end of the year is approaching pretty rapidly and I still don't know much about you. I know how you behave in class and a little bit about your outside interests, but not much.

Here is a voluntary assignment. Write a little biography about yourself. Give me some background about who and what you are, family, birthplace, etc. Tell me what you like or don't like about school. What subjects, academic and otherwise that interest you, what you have accomplished. What activities you have participated in - in school and out; how you help the community ( other than not being triplets so we don't have to put up with three of you). Anything else you would like me to know.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

AP Quiz

You do not have to know what a capacitor is but you certainly should know what the field created by a surface charge on a conductor, either flat, spherical, or cylindrical, is. [Think Gauss]