Sunday, June 23, 2013


I finally got some stationery made for our new address. I now hope to write at least one hard copy letter a week. Send me your address if you would like to correspond the old fashion way.

Thinking about the origin of stationery: Did the word come from writing material supplied to travelers at stations along  the old coach post roads?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The luck of the Cherdacks

We recently switched from Hughesnet satellite to an AT&T cell based internet connection. At first the new connection was many times as fast as the old satellite connection. Then we formally canceled our Hughesnet service and there came a storm that hit some cell system equipment up in the hills somewhere and for the last two or three weeks, the internet is often once again a painful exercise in patience. This is a typical experience for us when making commercial choices. I would tell you about my experiences in investing, but it might become too painful.

In any case, if and when I get some interesting photos ( interesting according to my odd taste anyway) I'll still post them despite the extra time they'll take.

Long time no post

Sorry about being out of touch so long. We were pretty busy the first week of June and then some recurring back pain made sitting at a computer less than attractive. Glad to say I am now on the mend and have gotten back to making carpentry mistakes on the house. The next step is to restart my career as the slowest cyclist in western Massachusetts.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

End Of May Start of June

I am ashamed to say that I missed our town's Memorial Day parade and ceremonies. I got so wrapped up in completing and installing a screened panel for our back porch that I failed to notice the time. While I am not one to glorify war, I do believe we owe a debt to those who have put themselves in harm's way  to secure our freedom and should show our respect and gratitude.  I am not sure our leaders have always shown the respect  for the sacrifices made by those in the services or have been as reluctant as they should be to elicit those sacrifices.

We spent Memorial Day afternoon with friends who moved up here from Glen Rock many years before we did. The wife works for her daughter, a lawyer who represents children in foster homes and otherwise under the protection of the state. Her husband is an ex engineer from Brown, now teaching in a local High School.

Among the friends there was another retired engineer who used to work in a large mill in the area.  Neither he nor I are particularly young or likely to be thought of as a ladies man, but we spent some time in a very enjoyable, and for me, enlightening, discussion of hot chicks...................... he had two hatch that morning and another 28 still in shells in the incubator.

It turns out he is another member of the local chicken raising mafia. There are many guys out there who just love raising chickens. This is not just having a few or even a fair number to provide some eggs for the family or meals and maybe to sell. These are hobbyists. Some have a few, some have hundreds, but they have them because they like them. They talk chickens, they think chickens, they study chickens. Not necessarily to the level of monomania, but somewhat like I pursue furniture making.  They form a loose network of folks with a common interest. For example, this incubator our friends' friend was using came from my neighbor. They both are well acquainted with my son's neighbor who had 300 hens fro many years. I must admit that I am starting to notice the different breeds, especially those with more distinctive colors and feather patterns. However, I think I am safe from the pox of raising chickens as a hobby.

May ended with enough nice weather for me to get some riding in. The preceding weeks lowered my fitness substantially and I am struggling to get back into decent shape; especially with home repairs begging for attention. On one ride a pickup truck passed me and then slowed to a stop..... to let three bears run across the road.  I can't say they look bigger from a bike than a truck, but they do focus your attention for a while. This is the first time I've seen bears in Bear Swamp Preserve in the two years I've lived here.

I spent this morning learning what it takes to be a river steward. Part of the Westfield River and its tributaries have been designated wild and scenic. My role will be to walk and make observations on a small brook to help maintain or improve its condition and to see if it can be included in the designation. It was a forty mile drive to the training session but it was through some really pretty country so I didn't mind.