Sunday, June 14, 2015

More on scouting

The new boys in our troop spent two days at a Council run camporee and had a great time. The event was well organized and there was plenty to do, more than any one could do in fact. The only downside was that  many units were not there, probably because they did not kow how much fun they wwould be missing, and probably more so, because of the overwhelming time commitments demanded by sports.

Among the many activities, the boys learned to build a small bridge with no rope or fasteners and got to throw hatchets at targets ( pieces of logs).

Physics: Action and Wave Function

I believe action, S,  is defined as integral of KE - PE over time or integral L over time. There appears to be an intimate relationship between the wave function and the action. A sample wave function can be A exp[(-h/i)S(omega t -kx)] or something similar. A function of this type satisfies Schroedinger's equation in that the second spatial derivative  gives KE and the first time derivative gives total E as long as E =hbar [ Plancks constant /2 pi] omega.

Since the probability of a system being in a state is proportional to the wave function* dot  wavefunction, the question is why the probability density is related so closely to the action. L can be thought of as two times the work input from the field into the particles KE in going from some reference point to the current position. 

Visit to Basking Ridge

I'll be in Basking Ridge on Thursday 6/18. If interested in getting together, send me a comment with your email address.