Friday, February 2, 2007

Biomedical Research Opportunity for Juniors

Here's an opportunity some of you may be interested in. Sounds more legal and philosophical than scientific, but that's probably just the way it was written up. There probably will be some real science content.

For two weeks in July, twelve former juniors (i.e. current 11th graders) will be selected to experience research up close at several of the Garden State's prestigious institutions during NJABR's third High School Summer Biomedical Research Fellowship Program.

From July 9 through July 20, students will visit a different New Jersey research facility each day. They will learn about the laws and regulations in place to protect both human and animal subjects and address ethical issues arising from the rapid advance of science and technology.
Note: This is not a residential program. Each day, Fellows assemble at a central location and travel by bus to meet with and learn from dedicated scientists engaged in different aspects of the discovery process, who share career information along with insight into their piece of the research process. The Program exposes the Fellows to the essence -- and essential components -- of biomedical research. The experience includes hands-on science, lectures, demonstrations and tours with time for one-on-one discussions with inspiring role models.

The Fellowship Program is open only to current high school juniors interested in medicine and the Life Sciences.

A full description of the 2006 Summer Program can found on NJABR's website:

2007 applications are also available on NJABR's website:

The deadline for completed applications is March 30, 2007.

For more information, call 908/964-9449.

New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research (NJABR) is a not-for-profit coalition of the state's leading research institutions, health voluntaries and allied groups dedicated to improving human and animal health.

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