Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Physics for 2007-08

Please let me know ( via my Ridge email) if you wanted to take Honors research - topics in physics , in 2007-08 and you could not fit it in your schedule or had to drop it because it was not offered.

Also, note that the opportunity for individual research in physics may still exist. It would be a separate credited course with hours arranged between instructor and student. I believe the number of credits can be varied depending on the level of effort the student and teacher agree upon. Hours outside of the normal school day are possible and they can vary from week to week. Let me know if you are interested in this ( via my Ridge email) .

Obviously, only a few of you will read this so please ask anyone else you know who took physics last year to check the blog.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Honors Exam

Please do not forget light. I did not put it in the rview packet because it was just completed. Please know some basic facts about frequency, refraction, and reflection. You do not have to know how lenses work.

Honors 8 th period kinematics project

To Eric Kate, Megan and Zac,

I am still awaiting a corrected calculation poster reflecting a more accurate delta h measurement.

Third Period Honors

I am missing much work from members of this class.

Great Adventure Labs from Cathy F., Kristi Fogel, Eric, KC and Frances.

Projects and/or written project reports from Rachel, Ian ( telescope but not a word on why it works) Kristi, Jen, Zach, Frances, and Reid.

Air Resonance Lab from Rachel, Cathy, Kristi, Erci, Ian, Christina, Amanda P., Frances, Jon and Reid.

Snell's law Lab from Rachel, Cathy, Kristi, Erci, Brett, Ian, Frances, Jon and Reid.

Some of this may be errors in record keeping or reports placed in the wrong folder, but I must hear from you by Wednesday with your material or your story.

8th Period Review packets

Many of you failed to hand in review packets. Wedesday morning is your last chance. Right now I have Eric, Monique,Darryl, Ajay, Luis, Kate S., Megan, and Brittney. It is worth 5 homeworks and many of the rest of you did at least some of this, so bring it in.

Honors Review Packets and Book

Remember to bring your books and Review packets in.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

All Students: Stuff on Ridge Computers

Just a reminder, if you any files on the school servers or hard drives you want to save, you must mail them to your home computers or save them to your personal portable memory devices pronto. Your files will be cleaned out over the summer.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Guaranteed A for AP students

I thought that might work. Make sure you turn in all the AP test materials and your books tomorrow. No this won't guarantee you an A, but it may help you avoid a D.

Important Honors Thermo notes

Here are some additional notes on thermo you should review for the final and give the sample a cycle a try. I will post the answers on Friday.


Monday, June 11, 2007

Focal Length for Spherical Mirror

As promised, here is a demonstration that the focal length = 1/2 radius of a spherical mirror.

Please look it over, it is simple.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Honors Projects Missing REVISED

My records are currently showing that I Have NOT received project proposals from:

81150; 85307; 200841; 202431; 81766; 204177; 204192; 85369; 80917; 83230.

CONTACT me IMMEDIATELY about this. I hope many of you are in a group that has submitted a proposal but I need to hear FROM YOU immediately.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Honors Review Packet

Here is the link to the review packet for this semester. This inlcudes you last homework assignemnts which will count for a total of six. They are to be done on clean sheets of paper and turned in when due. When you do the work make notes etc on the packets so you will have them to use at home.Keep the packets they are yours to keep and study from.


Also, here is a preliminary Equation and Data sheet. I will be reviewing and revising it for use on the final exam.


Great Adventure Flying Wave (Activity 12)

For those who did not go to Great Adventure, make sure to use 6m for the radius

Honors Unit 16 Schedule

Folks, many of you missed this today. I'd still like you to do the work for tomorrow if at all possible.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Great Adventure Data

There is some information on speeds and heights for the Great Adventure Rides available at http://www.sixflags.com/greatAdventure/rides/AllRides.aspx. Pick a ride and hit learn more to see if this has what you need.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Relativity proof

For those of you who want to see a quick way of demonstrating that equations 7 and 8 are equivalent, using the transforms developed up to that point in the notes, see this link:


Great Adventure Labs

Some Batman Activity packages handed out to students skip page A50. If you need a page A50, come see me.

Friday, June 1, 2007

AP Relativity Assignment for Monday AM

No, the quarter is not over. Your assignment, due for class Monday, is to demonstrate that if equation 7 is true [as it is if x , y and z are the coordinates of an expanding flash of light from a bulb at the origin] then equation 8 is true. Do this by substituting the transform equations for t', x', y' , and z' from page 10 in equation 8 and seeing what you get.

Happy algebra.

Thermo Test Corrections Honors Sect 1

My Honors Section 1(period 3) will have an opportunity to correct their last thermo tests on Monday night. You must ask for your tests back Monday and turn it in Tuesday with COMPLETE answers, with work where appropriate on a clean sheet(s). The corrections will be allowed to replace your orignal test grade to a large ( not complete) degree.

You must be ready to demonstrate that the work turned in is your own and you understand what you did to receive any credit for these corrections.