Tuesday, September 16, 2008

AP and Honors Kinematics

This post contains information that is a review for AP and needed by Honors to do the lab.

Kinematics is the study of motion, kinematic quantities include position (x), displacement delta x = (xf -xi), velocity v = delta x /delta t or ([xf-xi]/[tf-ti], and acceleration a delta v/delta t or ([vf-vi]/[tf-ti]).

x at the end of the interval = xf, x at the start of the interval = xi; i.e. f is for final value and i is for initial value

To find the velocity for a given interval of time simply find the change in position and for that interval of time and divide it by the time that interval lasted.

To find the acceleration for a given interval of time simply find the change in velocity and for that interval of time and divide it by the time that interval lasted.
velocities or accelerations can be average, if the interval includes the whole period of motion, or instantaneous, if the interval is a relatively short time within the period of motion.
Position is typically plotted on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis.

Slope mean change in vertical coordinate/ change in horizontal so for a position vs time grpah slope = delta x/ delta t.

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