Monday, March 16, 2009

Honors Presentations

Group Presentations: You must explain things in a way that shows you have gained understanding and will help the rest of us do the same. Cut and paste recitations from web pages etc. are not acceptable. Minimum 20 minutes ( that's not 5 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions).

Thursday Thermo group on work in your cycle, just the main points for isothermal, adiabatic and isobaric expansions. Can discuss regenerative feedwater heating if you really understand it.

Friday Plamsa group drift, tansport and JXB = gradP

Monday (1) Magnet group, superconductivity, coil currents, coil features, conductors (materials) and forces. (2 - Sect 2 only) Electric power Group: Farraday induction, conceptual design of turbine : field coils, stator coils, exciter; number of field poles, number of stator coils (windings) size of coils, currents and volts, strength of magentic fields.

Tuesday (1) Heating group: description of ion source ( plasmatron(?), accelerator grid, neutralization chamber; beam dump. Provide design info such as size, voltage, energy, operating pressure. Use ITER as a basis, but you must understand what you are talking about. (2 - Sect 3 only) Electric Power group see above.

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