Wednesday, April 29, 2009

AP Assignment and MC Test

1) Section 4 Do 1-3 of FR 2007 Form B for tonight. Section 3 just do 1 and 2 of FR 2007 Form B and study for MC.

2) Section 4 did pretty well on the MC test today. Section 3 will have to study a bit to do as well

3) Homework MCs. It is apparent that several different attitudes were in play about this test. Some took it as a practice test. Some took it as just homework and obviously had books and notes open while they took it. Some apparently decided to see how ell they could do without reading the question and I am sure in at least two instances that someone took tests different from the ones I created answer key for. I would like an email from everyone who did not follow the rules for test taking ( i.e. got help from more than their memories and official info sheet) when doing the MCs informing me that this is the case and that I should not treat it as a take home test. Integrity is important.

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