Thursday, June 18, 2009


Grades are posted for Honors and AP . Ignore the overall grade HAC calculates and just focus on the six separate grades I posted. They include a  project grade; a preliminary grade for your final exam; test, lab and HW grades for the 4th quarter; and overall fourth quarter grade perhaps labeled as Teacher Defined 1 or fourth quarter grade. I only know what I enter, not what it shows you. If anything seems out of line, you know where to find me, but send an email first so I can be prepared.

Reports cards will be out soon I guess.


Tomorrow morning is your last chance to pick up projects and written materials including stuff you left in the out folder. I have to clean my room, which will be traumatic so don't make it worse by leaving your stuff here. There's a big box of Knex or something similar that must be worth $100 and I have grandchildren.


I have some year end review work with no name on it. It could be from the following
Bard, Bassin, Hobbs, Rose, Scott, Solomon, Talsania, or Palluzi.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well folks, I really tried. First of all the dreaded Teacher Abscess Center won't work with my macs. Then my tablet , the only windows thing I have, keeps losing touch with its keyboard. It was in the shop until yesterday but still doesn't work. Beyond that, when I can get the keyboard to function, it no longer has the link to the the TAC and it has occasional  trouble talking to my router. 

Therefore, if you want your project grade, your quarter grade, or your year grade come see me. I will try to post the grades from my desktop in 506, but you just never know, do you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Sunday, June 14, 2009

AP Reports

Sorry about not including all the details. Unit 17 is the same as relativity ( Unit 16 was originally taken for another topic), and the AP reviews are for review for the exam during and after the April break. There should be at least one of these AP reviews among your meeting reports.


Your group reports remain dismal according to my records. You need to get this stuff in tomorrow. I know you met, all you have to do is report it. Each group must have at least one project progress report. Each individual must have her/his own reports for Unit 14, unit 15, Unit 17, and a minimum of one project meeting. Here is what my records currently show. We did lose some data so I went through my files and filled some blanks, but if you have returned reports bring them in. If not write them tonight, but write the truth.

Honors Review solutions

Here is an update for the first 46 problems including the ones done in class ( 1 through 9)

Honors 2 Reports

I am missing the following required reports. Get them in MONDAY

1) Waves Unit individual meeting reports - Chris, Kayla, Justina, Kimberly, Grant

2) Individual project meeting reports - Don, Andrew, Katherine, Christa, Kim, Justina, Chris
Publish Post

Honors 2 reports

Honors Section 3

Missing reports:
1) I am missing required individual reports on project meetings from Stephanie, Bobby, John, and Jed. You MUST GET THESE IN BY MONDAY

2) I am missing individual meeting reports on waves from all but Rachel, Sarah and Avni. I realize that by then you were emphasizing your projects so I will provide extra credits to those who met about waves and provide a bona fide ( no fiction please).

Honors Solutions to Additional Review

Here they are:

Honors Additional Review

Here are some more problems covering topics I believe are important for you to have learned. Solutions will be posted later today.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Honors Solutions

Hot off the Mac and not too carefully checked. I will create a few more problems and post them with solutions tomorrow.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Individual reports for group meetings are still notable by there absence for many of you. Since you did not comply with the course requirements, your grade will suffer.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Review sessions

I am sure some Ap and honors students are feeling a little anxiety about the finals. I will be available after classes for reviews if thee is any interest. Honors has first divs on Friday since their finals come first.

AP relativity quiz

Since the presentations have run over time ( probably because I interrupt to much), we have not had much time for relativity problems and review. Therefore the relativity quiz will be postponed until Monday unless the majority prefer otherwise.

Sorry for the late notice, but I just got in.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Honors review.

Here is a much more complete review. Turn it in on finals day for 3 more homeworks. But do as much as you can by Friday class time so I can go over what you don't know.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Auction Results

If you won an item or more you should have received an email. Please bring payment in tomorrow. All told we raised over $700. Thanks to you who bid and especially to those who bid generously. Special notice to Jack Cooney couldn't find your email but you won a Fact shirt

Honors Presentations

Here are some more

AP Books

Please return your text books ASAP, bring them in Wednesday if at all possible

Monday, June 8, 2009

Honors Presentations

Here are four presentations. Those whose don't appear here, need to email me their presentations. Please note that some of these contain some errors most, but not all, of which were discussed during the presentations.

Honors 2

Guys you are being very naughty about your notes on other projects. Get them in!

AP, Honors, and Topics

Tomorrow is the first ( and perhaps last) annualRoom 506 Silent Charity Auction. You will ( I hope) be bidding on T shirts from the Fight Against Cancer Together T shirts as well as Operation Smile T Shirts, plaques and cups ( I think). T shirts opening bid is 7$. Bring lots of cash and you can dress your whole family, softball team, church choir, street gang, etc. in matching shirts.

Bidding will be silent so you won't embarrass your friends by showing how much more generous you are than they. An exception may be made in 9th period where the Thermos can show how much better they are than then those stingy slobs, the Plasmas - or have I got it backwards?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

AP and Honors

Grades are up. Lab grades are low if you have unresolved see me s ans resubmits, fix em tomorrow ( Monday)

Honors labs

Several see me s and resubmits must be cleared up tomorrow, as well as missings, in a few cases I just need to get your latest grade entered:

Until this is cleared up the grade for the lab is probably zero

harmonic motion (hanging spring/mass)Sam Bard,Tim, Bobby, Phil , Justina, Don, Sam M, Kayla
Waves ( slinky) Lauren
standing waves (oscillator and string) Rachel, Avni, Bobby, Michelle, Missy, Don, Sam M
resonance/speed of sound Bobby, John , Rachel

Grant must also see me

AP and Honors

AP)Individual reports on group meetings for AP exam review, Units 14B and 15 and projects are in short supply. Fix this by Monday.

Projects must include documentation explaining the physics that applies to your project and how successful your were and why not if you weren't. I may be discussing your individual efforts if I don't think I see large inputs from all members.


1) Individual reports on group meetings for projects and waves are a little shy of the mark. Each student should have a report for waves and for their project. Each group should have at least one project progress report in - good progress reports will help your project

2) The models to date have been pretty poor. A good way to enhance your grade is to turn in a better model or a great poster (I'll use them next year if they are good)

NOT ALL GROUP MEMBERS WILL NECESSARILY RECEIVE THE SAME GRADE. Like Santa Claus, I have a pretty good idea about who in each group has been naughty or nice. You artsy and hands on type can use this as an opportunity to increase your standing within your group.

Honors Review Questions

Here are some questions that will help you determine if you learned what you should have.

Friday, June 5, 2009

AP Final

The final for AP is required for those who have below a B-  for the year and is optional for others. The optionals cannot be hurt by their grade on the final , but do not take it frivolously. If you don't plan to study hard, don't take it!! It is a lot of extra work and I will resent it if you take it on the off chance you will guess well.

Let me know by Tuesday

Honors and others Course Outline

Here is a link to an annotated outline for my Honors Physics course. It also correlates to the notes I provided for the honors course. Please read and review it along with the notes. AP and other students also might find it useful.


Power went out in Ridge just  as I was about to enter grades again. While power returned about ten minutes later I could not get into our LAN or onto the internet. I'll try again on Sunday if my darn tablet will work.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

HAC Grades

Well the wonderful eschool server system we use to post grades only works with Microsoft Internet Disaster and not Safari or Firefox or even the earlier versions of IE that Macs run ( where do we find these people?) Now the only machines I have at home that are reliable are macs since my Lenovo Windows tablet has once again locked out the keyboard, you have a one day reprieve for grade posting.

Labs Outstanding

Labs outstanding, as opposed to outstanding labs, are getting to be a major problem. Please clear up any see mes, resubmits, etc. by Monday. I am posting your grades tonight and any outstanding item is a zero. I do need to get you ( or your folks) attention.

If your grade is lower than mid 80s you probably owe me something. Come find out if you don't know what it is.

Honors Homework

As far as homework is concerned a few of you seem to feel the year is over. It ain't over yet guys. Honors Section 3 heating group Let's have those proposed test questions: 3 MC and 1 problem from each of you. Same goes for about 1/2 of Honors Section 2.

Many of the questions received so far were really good. In fact I may revise the final a bit to reflect them. Some indicated an incomplete understanding of the subject and we'll have to go over these areas during the review.

Remaining Homework. Prepare a brief summary of key points for each presentation you hear/see each day. Brief doesn't mean a few lines on a torn page. You can use bulleted points if you wish.


There will be a review session tomorrow after classes

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

AP Homework

A train is 1 E6 meters long as seen in the station with its origin at the back end. The back of the train (x'=0)is at the back of the station (x=0) at t =0 and t' =0.
Given t= 0 and x = 1E6 m ( i.e. where the front of the train is in the station when the station folks think its t=0) and v = 0.6 c find x' ( i.e. how long the train thinks it is) and t'. At what t' and t does the back of the train pass this point ( x= 1E6m? What was Dt'. What was Dt for the same two events? that is front of train at x=1E6 followed by back of train at x =1E6.

Great Adventure Lab Data

This, combined with the lab sheets should do it. Let me know if yu need anything else.

A. Great American Scream machine

Time to reach 1st top 37.3s
Time to pass E 1.6 s
Length of train 18 m
Force meter at D ff ( force factor) = 3.5
at E ff =1.75

B. Taz Twister

T for 5 revs =10 sec
Force meter ff = 2.1
Horiz meter = 65 deg

C. Rolling Thunder
t to top 31 s
just calculate forces ; meter readings not available

D. Runaway Train
to for train to pass 1.3 s
Beta = 34 deg
L of train 15.5 m
radius = 26 m
forcefactor = 1.5

E. Log Flume
L = 3.4 m
T a to B = 3.1 s
t splash = 2 s
T for boat to pass under C is 0.8 s

F. Carousel
Time for one rev ( period 11.5 s seems too long to me)
12 horses in each ring
space per horse 1.8 m inner 2.6 m outer

tilts toward center

G. Batman

t to reach top 30 s
Meter at B force factor (ff) = 1
at D ff=3.5
at E ff = 1.6

t for train to pass E =1.0 s

Batman cont’d

t to pass point P = 1 s
Beta = 65 deg
ff at P = 1.5