Tuesday, June 2, 2009

AP Homework

A train is 1 E6 meters long as seen in the station with its origin at the back end. The back of the train (x'=0)is at the back of the station (x=0) at t =0 and t' =0.
Given t= 0 and x = 1E6 m ( i.e. where the front of the train is in the station when the station folks think its t=0) and v = 0.6 c find x' ( i.e. how long the train thinks it is) and t'. At what t' and t does the back of the train pass this point ( x= 1E6m? What was Dt'. What was Dt for the same two events? that is front of train at x=1E6 followed by back of train at x =1E6.

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