Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Archimedes Lab

Many of you folks still miss the point. We did not need to use a lab to find a number we can get out of a table, e.g. the density of the brass block. The purposes of our labs are almost always to confirm an hypothesis we formed from observation and translated into equations or one we derived from other related observations and proved hypothesis.

The main purpose of this lab was to demonstrate that FB = rho g Vol sub. If, by using a volume obtained using this equation, we got the right density, then the equation is correct. Errors of a few percent in the measured vs expected value of density offer pretty compelling confirmation of our equation, i.e. Archimedes principle

The second purpose was to try to verify that change in height of a fluid changes the pressure in a vessel according to delta P = rho g delta h. Many of you were much more succesful in this than I expected, getting errors of 10 % and lower. Good work.

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