Sunday, February 28, 2010

AP Labs

Lab performance has gotten pretty shaky. Too many are coming in late. Some are very slipshod.

The standing wave labs were mostly fair or worse. You werw supposed to compare the c from sqrt( FT/mu) with the c from 2x Lloop (i.e. lambda) x the known frequency, 60 Hz. Alternatively you could compare the frequency from the slope of the graph of sqrt(FT/mu)vs lambda with 60 Hz and see if that gave you reason to believe c = sqrt(Ft/mu).

Most of you found f from the slope ( as above) and then multiplied that f by lambda to get c and then compared thus c to the one from sqrt(FT/mu). In other words you compared c to (c/lambda) x lambda. Guess what, they come out virtually equal. What amazes is me is how many of you do not realize what you are doing when you do this.

Some of you canceled the sqrt sign in equations like A/B =sqrt C/sqrtD to come up with
A/B =C/D. You cannot do that, or at least you cannot do that and still have a bona fide equation.

Conclusion that say we proved something better list the equations that were confirmed not just say all the ones we used.

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