Saturday, June 26, 2010

First Post of the Summer

Wow, eight days without a post. Who would have thought it was possible. Thanks to CaCarly for reminding me to do this.

First: Congratulations to our recent graduates. Ridge is no picnic in terms of what demand from you and you have every right to be satisfied with just getting out of the joint in one piece. Oops, let me put this more positively, you should take satisfaction in your meeting the demands of a rigorous institution.... and I do mean this. Best of luck in your new endeavors, you are great bunch and I will miss you.

Second: Remember I have no former students, stay in touch (partly so I'll miss you less) and I'll try to help you whenever I can.

Third [to all]: Stay tuned, there may be big news developing over the summer ( and of course there may not be... but you never know.)

Fourth: in the mean time have a great summer

Thursday, June 17, 2010

E Mail

It gone down once again, so if I don't answer its not because I am ignoring you ( although I probably would even if the email were working for a change.)

Honors Texts

Please return your texts and any other materials you have borrowed on the day of your exam. Writing obligation forms will make me grouchy and you don't want a grouch grading your exams.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Honors project and Study Group Reports

Here is what my records show. Honors 1 is listed on the test tab and Honors 2 is on the project Tab. A 1 or a date mean its logged in but not graded yet.

Honors part 2 Solutions

Here they are:

Honors- Very Important 2 items

1) We will have a review for the final during the 9th period exam period tomorrow.

2) I you have project reports (the assignments due from the break and from 5/24, 5/27, 6/1, 6/4, 6/7) without a numerical grade YOU MUST TURN THEM IN or lose point on your project grade.

I am missing tons of these, especially from Section 2 - surprise surprise.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

AP Texts

Getting Late, get 'em in!!

Honors Solutions

Here are 33 through 49

Honors Assignment

For tomorrow, complete all the electric and magnetics questions on parts1 and 2. Try to get to the waves and oscillations as well. We'll do the fusion stuff on Thursday, so complete all the work by then. Turn in all the assignments as one either Thursday or at your final exam.

Thanks to Ally and Mel for keeping me company during the long dull hours of period 7.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Text Book Understanding Physics

Two of the supplementary Text Books : Understanding Physics are missing. Please return the text if you have it.

AP Text Books

How about it guys?

Solutions and corrected Review and Part 2

Here are solutions through prob 32 and a slightly revised review sheet Part 1 and the new and bright and shiny Part 2. Remaining solutions will appear here soon.

Honors Year End Review Prob 6

For prob 6 Use Temp at A = 600K. This gives n = 401 moles ( check me), use 400 for the rest of the problem.

Honors Equations

Here is the link to the equation list you will use on finals. Many basic equations are not here, including definitions of work, kinetic and potential energy, momentum, centripetal acceleration = w^2r or v^2/r , F=ma, w =qB/Mass and r = Mv/qB. I may add a few, so keep an eye open for a revised list.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Honors Project Reports

Go back and look at the questions I posed for each group and see if you answered them. If not , fix your reports. Here they are again. For the generator group, you don't have to do the example I gave, use numbers more like the ones you found.

Here is the Dec 20 post again

All re-read the relevant sections of the European power plant report. This means the summary and whatever annexes apply to your specialty.

Plasma and blanket groups have some real meat to digest right in the report. Plasma group, identify density (number of fuel nuclei per m cubed), volume of plasma and confinement time. Start to understand energy and particle loss mechanisms.

Heating group should go back to the ITER website and be clear on power, energy, currents, type of ions, etc. You should also be clear on microwave heating including the ion and electron cyclotron frequencies and powers produced for ITER.

Magnet group. Make sure you understand the directions and purposes of the OH, Toroidal , and Poloidal fields and the configuration of the coils that produce them.
Read these notes [don't panic we will go over them in class]:

Plasma group read the above notes also.

Thermo group. Read this

and then look in text to understand thermal conduction. Heat must be transferred from lithium to water/steam by passing through tubes containing the water/steam that are immersed in the lithium. Find the equation for this heat transport and figure out the following: assume the tube wall is 1 cm thick. Assume the temperature difference between the water/ steam and the lithium is about 200 C. How many square meters of surface area are required to transport 2.5 E9 Watts of thermal power. Look up Rankine cycle and steam turbines. Identify 4 web pages that will help you design your turbine cycle.

Generator group: read text on magnetic fields and magnetic induction. Know Faraday's Law and what it means. If the changing field goes from +B to-B in 1/120 th of a second, and the coils that the voltage is being induced in have 100 turns and a coil area of 2 m square, what is the required value of magnetic field strength B to produce 20,000 V in the coil. The coil will be wrapped around soft iron so mu is not mu 0, its about 1000 mu 0 ( mu is the greek letter that looks like a fancy u).
Posted by Dr. Cherdack at 9:58 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Honors Project Reports

A reminder. Project reports are due Monday, one per group. Include all the information you learned in a report format even if it was not included in your presentation. Include information you provided on the board including sketches ( try to make them neat). There should be a title, authors ( if you are writing it without help from others this is where that might show up); subtopic titles. The text should be in paragraph form.

Also, I would like one more study group report on any meetings you held to prepare for the final.
I don't like bribery but this one time - 20 points extra credit for any meeting held outside of school hours.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Text Books

1) There are two people who have Understanding Physics text books out. Return them ASAP

2) AP Unless you are taking the final, bring your books in Monday, this include the text and both workbooks. If you are taking the final you may keep the books until then.

3) Honors bring all books in on the day of your physics final

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Honors Review Package

The moment you've been waiting for. Do all the fluids and most of thermo by Tuesday, so we can make good use of our short review time

See post of 6/14 for revised copy

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Info for thermo groups

Here is a complete cycle for a 660 MW plant I worked out a few years ago [see sheet "modified 2"]. If you just multiply all the flow rates and energies per second by 1.5 you'll have a 990 Mw unit. Close enough to 1000 MW. Note that 1 Btu = about 1050 J and 1 bar = 100,000 Pa.

Monday, June 7, 2010

AP Relativity Quiz

I will accede to requests and make this a partner quiz or rather group quiz. Three problems to be solved by group. Fourth ( similar to one of the three group problems) to be solved alone and lowest score in group for the 4th gets added to group's score on first 3. Same score for everyone in the group.

AP Relativity Solutions

Here they are. Probably mostly right.

SAT Physics

Please return all materials immediuately

Sunday, June 6, 2010



Honors Research: Outlines

AP: Relativity problems

Honors: Project and Schedule assignments

AP and Honors: Great Adventure Labs.

Those Not Attending Great Adventure

The second part of Great American Scream Machine ( Activity 4) was missing from the original packets. Here it is. I will give you until Tuesday to get this activity in.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Grades Labs etc

I posted your grades to HAC. They may even show up. Remember only the grade in each category has any meaning. The overall grade is meaningless. Anyone who asks me about that overall grade will lose their extra credit.

I need to clear up see me items for many of you on labs. I will try to remind you, but it is your responsibility to see me and resubmit as appropriate.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Honors 2 Labs

Your speed of sound - (tuning fork ) labs were due today (Thursday). Get them in

Those who missed Great Adventure

There are still 5 data sheets and six packets of labs in the rack. Labs are due Monday - no excuses!

AP Relativity problems

These are due Monday. Look through the notes I posted and the notes you should have taken when we did the muon and two spaceship problems.

There will be a relativity quiz Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Honors Quiz on Sound and Great Adventure Labs

The quiz will be on Friday. Labs are due on Monday

Those Who Missed Great Adventure.

There are data sheets and lab packages for you at the front of the folder rack. Take one of each and do at least two activities.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SAT Physics Help Optics and Currents

Here are some thing that might help:

SAT Physics Site

Here is the link to the site for description and practice tests for the Physics SAT Subject Test:

Its vital you go there is you are preparing for the test

Monica and Nick

Need a note from your parent saying its okay for you to go to six flags tomorrow by bus, no note no go. Your permission slips lacked parent's signatures

SAT Subject Help

We will have another session on Thursday after classes. I have 3 practice tests available, one of which is really old, one is pretty close to right , and the other somewhere between. They go by #13 old, #14, fair #15 pretty good. I will lend them under condition of no writing on them and no copying of them.