Monday, February 28, 2011

All Room 506 students

Congratulations, your generosity allowed us to donate more than $200 of the schoolwide total of $1300 to families suffering from Lymphoma and Leukemia.

I knew there was a reason I liked [some of] you folks.

Honors Schedule

I guess its just one darn thing after another. Here is our latest darn thing. [Actually this subject is kind of cool if you try to understand it rather than just answer examples].

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


1) Labs continue to come in with vague purposes such as "to explore the ...." or " to confirm the relationships among...... [without telling what those relationships are expected to be]". The explore one is actually okay for the wave properties lab although "c/f =lambda , c is a function of medium only, amplitude and frequency are independent, etc. " would have been better.

2) There is still far too much copying of nonsense from one report to another. One member does something silly and 3 other members dutifully incorporate the error into their report.

3) When I provide you with a packet from a manual do not give me the whole lab packet. I have already read it. Just give me the lab reports with your own original purpose and results.
DO FILL OUT the lab results heading with date, lab partners, as well as your own precious names.


I've just posted your grades to the High Anxiety Causer. They were not what makes a teacher's heart glow ( assuming he/she had one). Low lab grades mean you have received the dreaded "see me" on one or more labs or have more efficiently just decided not to turn a lab or two or three in.

Again, The only numbers that have any meaning are the individual categories. I don not use eschool's method of calculating overall grades, and be thankful.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I hope you are reading this before Sunday night.

1) You should be choosing among the six systems for the fusion power plant. Choose three in order of preference from
Plasma heating (Neutral beams, ohmic and RF)
Magnets ( Toroidal, Poloidal, OH)
First Wall and Blanket
Thermodynamics ( Steam cycle)
Electric Generator

2) You should be able to have done all the homework for our current Unit (9) sop turn it in Monday

3) Be prepared for a short quiz Monday based on the homework

Juniors who think they will go to college

If you have good grades and standardized test scores and have family incomes of about $60,000 or below, take a look at this site:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pennies for patients

We collected about $10 today. Not bad, but let's be even more generous to people who have serious troubles.

We are currently in third place. Let's show the school that we are made of the right stuff.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

AP problem Sheet Link

I have no idea how the link ended up with the wrong Revision

here is the correct one. I'll accept the homework on Tuesday

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Speed of Sound ( Resonance) Lab

Lab is informal

1)Write a purpose that discusses the relationship between air column length and wave length for resonances ( standing sound waves) and about how we find c using wavelength and frequency. and brief conclusion stating what we did prove or disprove.

2) Answer all questions except the ones about end effect E.

3) Make sure you answer the question about change of temperature's effect quantitatively e.g. my measured lengths would decrease by 2 % -don't quote me this is not the right answer.

4) Also say what frequencies can give resonances for a tube. i.e. Are they a particular number times the original frequency?

5) Open tube means open at both ends.

Honors Schedule for Fusion

Here is your schedule. Please note that you must choose a part of the fusion power plant for your project by 2/28. IN FACT choose the first three favorites and list in order of preference.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

AP and Honors Quizzes will be on Thursday

On the other hand they will be a bit more comprehensive.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Honors Wave Problems Real and Corrected Solutions

When I originally opened the worksheet to develop the solutions my trusty room 506 desktop could not open the graphs. I didn't realized I saved that version. I tried a different technique and got it to work and then saved that version. I uploaded the first version by mistake. In any case here is the right version. This is the latest version with the correct wavelength and speed for the second wave.

Honors wave Solutions

Here are the solutions. make sure you understand the ideas about waves behind these solutions.

Honors and AP

Quizzes will be Wednesday

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Simple Harmonics Lab

The lab report is formal. There is a 12/21 post with data for part 3 if your data is no good [e.g. leads to a k very different from part1 ]

Pennies for patients

Leukemia and Lymphoma are not joke. Please be generous. We collected nothing on Friday. Please do not let this happen again.

Pendulum Energy

For those interested in why the energy in a pendulum motion is Mass g L Phimax squared, here it is:

Honors Assignment

Here's Wave WS 2-11B. It will be the theme of what we do in class tomorrow, and has a lot in common with Tuesday's quiz, so make sure you do it today. Remember if you have trouble with a bunch of empty boxes appearing, highlight them, change font to symbols and then read the Greek symbols and "translate".

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have just read that your grades are on HAC officially. These are grades calculated on Monday. Therefore, the grades I posted a couple of days ago are more up to date and more accurate.

There are two serious typos in the official Midyear exam grades for Honors Section 3 and one update. For two of you I apologize, but the exam grades are the ones I posted earlier, not the typos. For the updated student, your newer grade based on revisions made on Tuesday is a bit of good news.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

AP Help Sessions

We will hold regular AP help sessions Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Schedule may be chaged by popular demand of those requiring help.

Pennies for patients

For those of you who know someone who had leukemia or whose friend or relation did you know how dreadful the effect on everyone concerned are. For those who have not been affected by this disease, be very grateful.

For all of us, let's show our concern for those affected by the disease with contributions to Pennies for Patients and let's not limit it to pennies please. The canister is the front of Room 506.

It would be really nice if some of my favorite students such as Carly, Ashley, Amber, Julie, Ally, Mel and Kathleen dropped by with their donations. Don't worry I haven't forgotten the rest of you (hard as I tried).

Wave Lab

For the Wave Properties Lab, all you have to do is fill out the sheets carefully. I don't even need a purpose statement. Make sure you read the question before you answer it. For instance one question asks after the waves pass each other not while they overlap.

Doppler Effect

Here is the link:


Grades were posted yesterday. If you see an individual grade that does not seem right come talk to me, outside of class hours. Your quarter grade is posted under test/quizzes with a label indicating it a the grade for the quarter. Similar for your midyear exam grade. DO NOT BOTHER [yourself or me] with any computations made by HAC, pay attention only to the grades I have posted.

There is a small chance of some slight improvements in a few honors grades when I complete grading the December break take home tests.

In general it would be better for all of us if you focus on learning and understanding and not fixate on grades, [especially if you goofed off much of the time.] Folks with Incompletes need to meet with me by Friday afternoon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All Students

And pretend students as well.

This is has been some winter for you guys. Far too many days without physics, Boo

Lots of days without Cherdack, Yay

I will try to post your grades today. They will consist of your latest quarter test grades, lab grades, homework grades, and for honors project grades. I'll also try to post your overall quarter grades and midterm grades under tests and quizzes but with appropriate titles. Wish me luck

Honors Schedule

Worth waiting for? Maybe, you decide.

All students New Wave notes

Here are new notes on waves to replace those posted last month.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

AP Harmonic Motion Lab

Sorry guys, I don't know where that lab sheet I handed out came from. Here is the right one. Print it out. We'll have to do some more work on this lab tomorrow.

Honors Assignment

As a follow up to today's discussion of waves do the following problems.

find c for a spring with a mass of .5 kg a length of 8 m and a tension of 20 N

for this spring what is the wavelength of a 20 cycle per second wave.
If the amplitude of the wave is 15 cm ( NOT m), what is the maximum particle velocity?

For this same wave on the same spring what is the displacement of a particle at .8 seconds from the beginning of the motion at point 2 m from the left end which is the end where the signal starts . [ Treat the wave as a sin I.e. we start our clock at zero displacement. Use displ = A sin (wt-wave number *x] Let's see how many of you remember what the wave number is.

I am still deciding if we will do E&M, or fluids and thermo next in combination with our fusion reactor work.