Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Honors Assignment

As a follow up to today's discussion of waves do the following problems.

find c for a spring with a mass of .5 kg a length of 8 m and a tension of 20 N

for this spring what is the wavelength of a 20 cycle per second wave.
If the amplitude of the wave is 15 cm ( NOT m), what is the maximum particle velocity?

For this same wave on the same spring what is the displacement of a particle at .8 seconds from the beginning of the motion at point 2 m from the left end which is the end where the signal starts . [ Treat the wave as a sin I.e. we start our clock at zero displacement. Use displ = A sin (wt-wave number *x] Let's see how many of you remember what the wave number is.

I am still deciding if we will do E&M, or fluids and thermo next in combination with our fusion reactor work.

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