Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Honors Presentations

I need electronic copies of all Honors 3 presentations created so far this quarter emailed to me.

Honors 3 Schedule

This Friday: Plasma and Generators

Next week: Monday Thermo and Plasma Heating
Thursday First Wall and Blanket, Magnets

AP Assignment

Complete the tunnel problem as posted with v = .6c.

Remember, homework is a larger portion of your grade this quarter.

Rides and Labs

You must ride at least one of these( or use data if you do not ride)

Carousel, Batman, Log Flume, Runaway Train, Rolling Thunder.

Labs will be due next Wednesday. None will be accepted after Friday. Each day after Wednesday costs 5 points.

Great Adventure Instructions

You must form groups of three or four to travel in and turn in your group roster in writing tomorrow (Wednesday).

You must go on at least one ride of those to be listed in the next post. You must note vertical accelerations using the tubes provided.

You must do at least one lab. You will receive up to 10 points of extra credit for each additional lab.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

AP problem

A train which is 300 m long in its frame is traveling north and comes to a tunnel that is 300 m long in the earth's ( the tunnel's) frame. If the back of the train reaches the south end of the tunnel at t' =0 and t = 0, how far out of the tunnel is the engine driver when the driver's watch says t' =0?

Observers are standing throughout the tunnel. Where is the observer ( i.e what is x) who observes the engine driver at t=0. What time does the driver's watch show to this observer?

If you do this correctly, you will have shown how the train can appear longer than the tunnel to people on the train and shorter than the tunnel to people in the tunnel.

Use x and x' of the rear of the train and station =0 at t'= 0,t=0. Thus x' of the engine driver is 300m and x of the tunnel north end is 300m.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend, etc.

Sorry to be out of touch so long. Life has been hectic and challenging. Honors should be honing their presentations and emailing them to me. AP, stand by for some relativity problems to be posted soon.
Enjoy your memorial day and do remember it commemorates those who lost their lives in our countries wars.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Study for thermo quiz

AP Assignment

A train is traveling at .6c . All teh clocks on the train and the station are arranged so that t' =0 and t =0 when the back of the train is at the back of the station. The train measures 240 m long in its own frame, i.e. x' of the engine driver is 240m. A passenger is standing at the point which so that when his watch says t=0 the engine driver is exactly even with him. Where is he standing on the station? ( i.e. what is his x?). What time does he see on the engine driver's clock (what is t' at x' =240 and t=0).

Monday, May 23, 2011

Honors Thermo Quiz

We may have a guest speaker on nuclear power on Thursday, therefore today will be spent on nuclear energy, tomorrow on thermo review, and the quiz on Wednesday. Sorry to put you off this way, but it will be good for you to hear about nuclear power from the perspective of someone who works with it daily.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Honors Thermo Due Monday

Here is your assignment for tomorrow. Use all you have learned so far. Use notes and text as needed, but do it!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Honors Assignment due 5-20-11

Honors Thermo Assignment Due 5/20/11

1) Write an equation relating delta U and delta T for a gas.

2) List the cv s for monatomic, diatomic, and triatomic gases.

3) 4 moles of monatomic gas are heated at constant volume from 300 K to 600 K. What is Qin?

4) Qin to 4 moles of monatomic gas is 25,000 Joules and DU is 15,000. What is DT? How much work was done by the gas? Can you tell what kind of process this was? If Tinitial was 300K what is Tfinal? If Pinitial=100,000 Pa what was Pfinal. What was Vinitial? What was Vfinal?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Honors Thermo Assignment for Tomorrow

Iso thermal means no change in T.

Write an expression for Qin for an iso thermal process

If the work done in an isothermal process is 100 million J what is Qin?

Adiabatic means no heat in or out. If the work done by the gas in an adiabatic process is 100 million Joules what is Q in ? What is Delta U?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tee Shirts

Order must be in by tomorrow. Order forms are in my room

Honors Labs

Remember 10 points off for each of the Magnet and Archimedes Lab not in my hands by tomorrow 5/13

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Merck Exam

Students interested in taking the Merck Exam from 7:30 to 9:30 Tuesday should let me know immediately. There are slots for bio, physics, chem, enviro ( maybe-not sure) and integrated. If you think you are really pretty good at one or some of these and want the chance to gain some prestige for yourself and Ridge, let me know.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

AP Practice materials

1) all un-entered homeworks are due Thursday end of school.

2) All materials, MCs and FRs are to be returned ASAP

3) Your FR 2008 form B must be turned in even if you got it back initialed.

4) Section 5 missed some important lessons in projectile motion today

T shirts

Drop dead date to order your tee shirt is 5/13, i.e. this Friday.

AP Assignment

Pick a project you will research and build as a major part of your 4th quarter. Criteria for grading are amount you learned doing it, amount we learned from you, and overall quality of the project including the presentation. Let me know what it is by Thursday. Teams of 1 to 4 allowed.

Honors Labs

Magnetics Labs and Archimedes labs are way overdue for many of you. I will reduce your last Quarter grade by 10% for each missing lab not turned in by Friday. That's your quarter grade not just your lab grade!!!!

Great Misadventure

Tmorrow is the last day for checks, I'll take cash until Friday

Sunday, May 8, 2011

AP Advice

Get plenty of sleep, it is better to be alert and know a bunch than to be foggy and forget the everything you learned the night before. Eat some protein in the late morning.

AP Review

Okay from McCarthy, Kohut (3rd) and Segale so far. Still checking with Blackwell, Kilpatrick, Marin, Marsh, Chin, Lime

AP Review Monday

I'll be doing review session 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5 th tomorrow. All APs and Connor are welcome. Let me know ASAP if I have to ask your teachers if its okay. You must respond to my email address not by commenting on the blog. Tell me which periods and teachers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

AP Assignment

Do electrical, optical and modern physics Free Response problems for 2008 Form B. See site address from last week to find the AP exams.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Honors Assignment -Fusion Power Report Link


Download the reports from this site. Read the summary. Read and learn portions of report relevant to your part of the plant. Find the numbers I assigned to you last night ( the one's for the tokamak and plasma, not the ones for your system)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Honors Project Quantities

Each par of the fusion power plant has some key quantities associated with it. Part of your job is to determine these quantities and explain to the how the quantity was determined. You should be making progress on the first two of these tomorrow. They include the following:

Plasma: number density (particles per cubic meter, temperature, energy confinement time, required fields

Plasma heating: neutral beams- current, voltage, power, fraction of accelerated particles which remain uneutralized and thus do not enter the plasma

Magnets: dimensions, turns, currents, fields i plasma and field at coil for all three sets of coils

First wall blanket: Dimensions, temperatures for first wall, blanket structure, liquid lithium ( inlet and outlet if lithium flows; flow rate of lithium.

Thermo dynamics: Temperatures, flows (kg/sec) and energies (joules/kg) throughout the cycle.

Generators: Currents, voltages, rotating field strength, area of coils, turns per coil- remember - 3 phase

Honors Assignment

In the European Fusion Power plant find: the number of particles (nuclei plus electrons) per cubic meter in the plasma. The peak or average temperature in the plasma, the volume of the plasma, the fusion power ( not electrical power ) output, the volume of the plasma, the current in the plasma, and the poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields-either average or at the center of the plasma - not at the coils.