Thursday, May 19, 2011

Honors Assignment due 5-20-11

Honors Thermo Assignment Due 5/20/11

1) Write an equation relating delta U and delta T for a gas.

2) List the cv s for monatomic, diatomic, and triatomic gases.

3) 4 moles of monatomic gas are heated at constant volume from 300 K to 600 K. What is Qin?

4) Qin to 4 moles of monatomic gas is 25,000 Joules and DU is 15,000. What is DT? How much work was done by the gas? Can you tell what kind of process this was? If Tinitial was 300K what is Tfinal? If Pinitial=100,000 Pa what was Pfinal. What was Vinitial? What was Vfinal?

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