Friday, October 21, 2011

Research has its rewards.

Just got this from Mr. Heineman. Pass it along to your friends. Its about a symposium next spring but deadlines for applying etc. are NOVEMBER FIRST!

Please visit the following website for directions and forms:

We are pleased to invite you and your school to participate in the Rutgers University Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, a science fair for high school students interested in science, mathematics, and technology research. Students who have undertaken their own scientific research, underclassmen who intend to conduct research in the future, and high school teachers are invited to attend our symposium on the campus of Rutgers University’s School of Engineering in Piscataway, NJ. This year’s Symposium takes place March 19 - 20, 2012.

High Schools of the students participating must submit the School Registration by November 1, 2011. Students who have conducted scientific research submit research papers to the competitive portion of our program. These students must submit abstracts of 200 words or less detailing their work by November 1, 2011. They then must submit full research papers of their work by January 9, 2012 (Teacher/Student Registrations and Parent/Guardian Permission forms are due on January 9, 2012 as well). Based on the research papers, our panel of judges selects up to 22 of the top students as Finalists, who are chosen to give oral presentations of their work at our symposium in March.

The judges will also select up to 50 other students as Poster Finalists, who will give poster presentation of their work at our symposium. Finalists compete for 4 expenses paid trips to the 2012 National Symposium on May 2-6, 2012, in the Washington, D.C. area, as well as Scholarships of $2,000; $1,500; or $1,000. Poster finalist compete for 1 expenses paid trip to nationals and additional prizes.

Students who have not yet conducted research or are just beginning projects are welcome to attend the symposium as observers. On the first day of the symposium (March 19, 2012), all student researchers, observers, and sponsoring teachers participate in a series of events designed to excite their interest in science. The first day will comprise concurrent presentations from researchers at Rutgers, possible site visits to local corporations that hire large numbers of scientists, and a college & career panel. At night, students will be treated to a formal dinner recognizing their scientific achievements, hear from a keynote speaker, and take part in team based math, science, and engineering challenges.


Jean Patrick

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