Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cliche March

March lived up to its billing as to coming in as a lion. We got about a foot of snow on Wednesday/Thursday; followed by about two inches of frozen rain/snow on Friday night/Saturday morning. This made for some great snowshoeing on Friday.  I followed a nearby trail near us that leads about 3/4 of a mile to an old disused, but still well kept, little cemetery. The last burial was about 1870 and most of the plots belong to just four families. I'll try to post a picture soon. Near the cemetery, the trail passes through some beautiful pine and hemlock groves. Just stopping looking at the snow covered trees made my short trip take well over an hour.

The other major issue in my life is Ingemar. Apparently this old Volvo thinks 300,000 miles is enough. Either some sensor or the main engine control module is malfunctioning and so far several tests have failed to uncover why it idles very lean and then quits.  I'll have to run some more tests and may have to get assistance from my wife. This will require some diplomacy on my part since she believes 21 year old cars should be forcibly retired.

In the meantime, while I love winter, warmer weather,  forecast to be starting Wednesday will make woodworking in unheated spaces and home and car repair a lot more comfortable. In the meantime 16 degrees tomorrow morning and 12 degrees for a low on Tuesday morning.

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