Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mid May Activities

Returned from a whirlwind visit to NJ last night . We got to visit with several friends, see doctors ( my 13 month old hip is in excellent shape, its the rest of me that hurts) , get some building supplies, buy provisions from a local butcher and some good bagels, visit a sister, enjoy (not really) some very heavy traffic in NJ, NY and CT, and return to our "Alternate Universe" up here- all in 37 hours.

Last Saturday we visited Keene NH for the first time, to spend the day with some friends who moved to NH a few years ago.  Its a charming college town with some nice architecture and a pleasant and busy downtown. We toured the Horatio Colony ( that was the last private owner's name believe it or not) House and nature reserve. I committed the error of getting a large sundae at Keene's favorite  ice cream stand and probably ate half a pound of various forms of corn syrup. I can still feel it.

This past week, prior to leaving for NJ, was spent getting the shop joists up on jacks and tearing out the rotted central beam that was pretending to hold the joists up.

Also, last week we engaged a contractor to install a new septic field, and do some additional work on the basement floor and foundations.

We have been busy.

Here are some photos showing the remains of part of a wall that I removed, new posts and joist supports that went in last week, and some of the rotted beam that came out. I hope to get the new beam to hold up my shop in place tomorrow.

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