Saturday, June 9, 2012

Finally some dry days

After several rainy days we had some at least partly dry ones. Our projects are moving along. Our new system passed inspection and much of it is now covered. Final filling and contouring are yet to be completed. The contractor is moving along on installing  drains in the basement and a gravel floor with membrane to keep the dampness down.

I am out of the basement for now. I tallied things up and it came to 11 temporary columns removed, 8 new footings and columns installed, supports for 42 joists ends installed and one new beam installed. Not a bad set of accomplishments, but I did start in early April so I didn't set any records for speed either.

Now I need to replace some 7 feet of house sill and repair some studs and walls and install gutters before I head back out to the barn for major repairs to underpinnings there. This effort will start in earnest tomorrow with installing beams and jacks to take the weight off the old sill.

My wife is in Washington, attending the League of Women Voters annual national meeting.  I am on my own doing laundry and cooking and looking after cats. So naturally, I went on a bike ride.

Bike riding is less fun than it used to be because I keep noticing invasive species along the road side. Today I stopped 5 times to pull out patches of Japanese knotweed, a bamboo like pest that overruns sunny  areas.

Physics is getting the short end in my life right now.

Next weekend we are going for training as volunteer welcomers at Tanglewood.  Can you imagine me as a greeter? I hope I don't hurt their attendance too badly.

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