Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Some Late Summer Photos

Here are some pictures kind of representative of things around here. Hope you enjoy them.
 I redid the framing and rehung the doors for our basement entry, but the masons did the real work. They built the stone walls , replacing the broken concrete you can see in the early June post.

We still have a fair number of pretty flowers blooming....
             including our huge hydrangea

We have an apple tree about 40 feet high full of small but somewhat tasty apples. I hope we can get some down safely.

If you look at this picture in a large format you should be able to see many of the 2,345,786 apples on the tree.

Jean's gardening has really paid off as you can see.

 This is just a few days' harvest from a small part of her garden.  If any of you get up here, I'll let you taste some of the world's best tomato juice, which she makes from the less pretty tomatoes.

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