Sunday, January 20, 2013

Apple Valley in January

We still have plenty of snow and did a few hours of snowshoeing on Saturday and Sunday.

Here are a bunch of pictures from a brief walk around our neighborhood yesterday.

 Our big sugar maple, like its current owner, could never be accused of being excessively orderly.
 I thought these windswept clouds were worth a picture.

 A few pictures of the valley.
Home sweet project.

One neighbor raises cattle and has a couple of dogs, one of whom refused to pose when she realized it would be too cold for her to roll over and get a belly rub. The other was already back in the house where it was warm. 

Another neighbor has a goat named dog (no picture of him) a few Guinea fowl, a red hen, all seen running past the truck, and a goose named Cat. Cat generally looks after the fowl and keeps them off the road, but this time I had to shoo them back to safety.

Other neighbors raise goats and chickens and the two small pigs hiding in the back of their pictures. They usually come running over to see if I have food, but they had just been fed and were to busy to bother with me.

I'll try to get some pictures of the sheep and lama another neighbor keeps soon.

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