Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winter's last hurrah? I doubt it.

 I don't want this post to give the wrong impression. We really like winter. The snow makes everything more beautiful and snow shoeing is great exercise and very enjoyable.

Last Thursday we got hit by the "coastal" storm. It brought our total to around 6 feet for this winter. So much for dustings of snow as predicted. I foolishly took forecasts, the ones that said the last storm would miss us, seriously. Some miss, we got about 10 more inches. I don't think many of you would like growing up here; 10 inches and all the school kids got was a two hours delayed opening. Here are some photos. 

My wife, Jean, is used to not being a giant, but it's still a little alarming to not be able to see over the piles along the roadside.

The piles in front of the porch and the windows are not from plowing they are from snowfall and from additional snow falling off the roof.

The snow pile at the end of the drive is about 6 feet high.

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