Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spring is here, I guess

Despite sub freezing nights, the snow is about gone and the days are warm enough to begin working on the house again. It's also time to start planning a trip to Glen Rock and Ridge.

My Volvo wagon needs some suspension work so I guess I should add that to my list of things I need to do.

On a more pleasant note, folks out there should think about coming up here for some pastoral scenery and some fine music. Jean and I volunteer at Tanglewood so we will be going to many concerts and we get lot's of guest passes to the lawn.  Here's a link to the schedule:  http://www.bso.org/Performance/Listing?ageNo=7&perPage=10&brands=6427.

Since we are retired weekday visits are just as welcome as weekends and we have spare bedrooms for overnighters and we even have plenty of space for those who would like to tent out.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mid April Already!!!

Nearly a month since my last post. Things have been busy. Made a three day pilgrimage to the Adirondacks and did some snowshoeing including a 14 mile round trip to Mt Marcy ( it's about a mile high.)

Spent Passover at my niece's house and had a great, and caloric, time with family.

Soon after we spent twelve days in Colorado visiting with my son and snowshoeing in the beautiful Rockies. We also saw the inside of several brew pubs. I also did some riding with Daniel, at about two thirds or less of his normal speed.

 While the mountains were beautiful the elevation and lack of conditioning made things pretty challenging. For example, I had to turn around a mile and a half short of the top of mount Elbert. It wasn't until Sunday that I could hike  or ride at anything like a pace not to be ashamed of.

Here are some photos. The mountain shots are from near Twin Lakes, one of the most beautiful sections of the Rockies. The photos do not begin to do justice to the scenery,

We've been  back a couple of days and I've been catching up on some paperwork stuff. I also had to return my snowshoes to the manufacturer as the decking wore out in a little over a hundred miles of use. At their high initial cost, this amounts to about $2.00 per mile. Sounds more like a limo than a pair of snowshoes.

I finished the bottom of the China cabinet and we placed it in the dining room near where the completed piece will end up. Here's a photo.

 I need to get the top at least somewhat done before the heavy repair season starts.