Monday, May 20, 2013

Sorry about Monday; let's try Tuesday

Sorry guys a late start partly due to my having to repair my car's ignition coupled with two outrageous traffic jams  kept me from getting anywhere near New Jersey until 4 PM, let alone to Basking Ridge.

So I'll try again tomorrow, Tuesday, 5/21. I assume I'll be in 506 somewhere soon after 2:30, but I might be spending some time with faculty folks.  Try my cell to find out the latest  tomorrow afternoon : 201 444 8206.

Friday, May 17, 2013

China Cabinet Top

Here are a couple of pictures of the latest step I have finished on my china cabinet project. Now just the upper doors left. As you can see from the sketch, the doors, with their elaborate lattice work, will take a while. This is especially true since I just started attacking the rotted spots of siding and trim on the house, and furniture making will have to take a back seat for now.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Visit to Ridge

I expect to be at Ridge Monday afternoon. If any one is interested in getting together mid afternoon to early evening let me know. You can use the comments feature if you don't know my email; but please include your email address in your comment because replying through comments is cumbersome ( boy, haven't gotten to use that word in quite some time.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New internet service

We recently switched to ATT internet service via their cell network and the speeds are much greater than our Hughes net satellite service provided. As an experiment I will try up loading a photo and see if it takes less than a few days.

Here's a picture of the Westfield River flowing through the Chesterfield Gorge about 16 miles from our house.

That was several times faster than the old service.

Visit to Boston

I may be in Boston this Friday and Saturday. If you will be around and would like to visit, let me know.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cycling and Charity Fund Raiser

Been doing some short rides lately, trying to get my pace from pathetic to merely pitiable. My estimate of time to complete a hilly ride is 3 minutes per mile plus 3 minutes per hundred feet of climb. By August, I can usually improve on this by about ten percent. That was the pace I rode at last September in the Josh Billings event. It was good enough to get me into the LAST 25 of 425 riders. Clearly, there is vast room for improvement. In the mean time, every time I pass one of those yellow traffic signs that says SLOW, I take it as comment on my riding rather than a warning of an upcoming traffic hazard.

I was thinking of doing a charity ride for the Jimmy Fund on June 2. The Jimmy fund supports a child cancer research/care center in Boston. I'll need to raise a minimum $350 in addition to the entrance fee. Anyone out there care to help? Comment or email me if you do. Please include an email address in your comment; I cannot respond directly otherwise.

Chocolate Mania and a nice town in Vermont

Last Saturday, we visited King Arthur Flour, in Norwich Vermont, with good friends from New Jersey ( now living in New Hampshire.) I thought it would really earn me some brownie points with my baker wife. It turns out that half of the large sum we spent went for chocolate items for me: 3 lbs of hot chocolate mix, fudge brownie mix, and two pounds of block milk chocolate. I am really proud of myself. Its been nearly five days and there is still more than a pound of chocolate left.

By the way, Norwich is a lovely town with a nice inn/brew pub.