Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spiders, moths, and COYOTES!

I haven't mentioned much about the wildlife here lately. On a small scale we have an incredible variety of moths and spiders around this house It seems that almost no two of either class of fauna are alike.

On the large scale our area of Ashfield is home to at least one sizable pack of coyotes. For the past three nights they have been hanging around our property often within what sounds like 50 feet of the house. They tend to produce a rousing chorus of howls, yips, barks, and what sounds eerily like laughter, soon after moonrise.

Two years ago they killed a cow and her newborn calf in a neighboring pasture. I have yet to see them. Our younger and more savvy cat has been out on nights when they have been in the area, but we kept her in last night. We make sure our older, slower cat, Natalie, is in at night.

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