Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving and Hannukah

The holidays were great. On Thursday we had friends from the western Mass area; friends (made through Daniel, our younger son) from the Boston area including their two young boys; my sister and her husband and her son and his wife and two little girls, my older son and his wife and three children. All told 12 adults and 7 kids. Everyone got on really well including the children. The only sore spot was when my nephew's two year old panicked at the sight of the dimunitive and bedraggled  Natalie, our nineteen year old cat ( again via Daniel). I guess there was one more sore spot: Too much to eat.

Friday we traveled to southern Connecticut to spend an evening visiting and celebrating Hannukah with my sisters family. We took Henry, our youngest grandchild ( he's 8). Another fine time and again amazing good will and behavior amongst children ranging from 2 to 17.
We did miss having the rest of the family, my two other sisters and their clans, and especially Daniel, at this time.  However the additional leftovers for me help mollify my grief.

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