Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ken Burns

I simply forgot to post about what was one of the more inspiring evenings of the last few years. Jean and I went to see Ken Burns present a  preview of his new series on the three Roosevelts who influenced this country's history so dramatically, Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor.  I was not expecting to be impressed,  the little I've seen of his work seemed too slow paced and somewhat too focused on a particular point to be made.

I has an epiphany. The material he presented on the Roosevelts was excellent and I now plan to watch the full series when it is broadcast this fall.

What was even more impressive was Burns himself. He was articulate, intelligent, and amazingly well informed; the best speaker I have heard in a long time. Perhaps he is helped by not running for office.

He made several statements that were impressive for their clarity, for their  profundity, and perhaps most for his sincerity in expressing them. The one that seems to be central to his beliefs is " there are no ordinary people."

Here's a link to an article about the event.

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