Sunday, April 20, 2014

Company and an Attack Duck

Had a weekend full of great company including long time friends from Glen Rock (two of whom now live in New Hampshire) and Jean's cousin, now from LA.

The really exciting news is that I have now had my fourth encounter with my neighbors Ninja attack duck. The neighbor keeps 15 Guinea fowl that wander around the neighborhood looking for bugs and seeds to eat. They make a great fuss and move and sound like a mix of cartoon characters and windup toys. They are great fun to watch and I am really happy to have them around. He also has a noisy gander and the aforementioned duck (probably a drake).

The duck and gander are nearly inseparable. I walk past the neighbor's house most days. Last week the duck decided I was major threat to him, the property, the fowl, or the world in general, I am not sure which. He started running ( waddling) after me, as fast as he could, all the while grumbling (quacking) away. I figured that perhaps he thought I would have some feed for him and would go away when I showed him I didn't. However, when I let him catch up to me he started pecking violently at my shoes and fluttering his wings.

This has happened three more times, this last with Jean as my witness. Its pretty funny to watch, but also pretty dangerous for the duck. I had to flag down two cars to keep them from hitting him as he ran across the road to get to me. All the while, the gander is noisily cheering the duck on. I also have to be careful not to hurt the duck as I ward him off and try to walk past. I have no idea what triggered this odd behavior. I don't know if he is doing this to anyone else. He certainly showed no interest in Jean.

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