Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Kinda business as usual

Been busy again: A long ride around our section of the Connecticut River Valley on Saturday. I followed the route of a local bike club's fund raising ride. I was not an official participant because the club refunded my registration fee because of some glitch in the on line registration. However I did get to be passed by lots of very fast and some not so fast folks on the ride. I also stopped by to see what the post ride party was like. There were 900 cyclists there. Not bad for a club from a town of 30,000.
Sunday I attacked the barn basement putting up more supports and braces to try to make sure it still will be standing in fifty years. Monday the barn counterattacked. At least that's what it felt like as I was trying to install a ten foot steel I beam over the basement door. I finally got it in place, but not before collecting more bruises than a hot Saturday night in a mining town saloon usually sees. Today was spent trying to find some parts I need, jacking the beam into the correct position and installing most of the remaining braces in the barn basement, so it was almost a rest day.  

I need to quit stalling and refurbish the positive crankcase vent ( PCV) system on my wife's car. I did the timing belt earlier this month and was very encouraged about being able to maintain such a complex beast. Now, looking over the job, seeing that the manual describes this job on the non turbo engine which doesn't have the banjo fittings that circulate water to keep oil seeping past the turbo seals from congealing, etc., as pretty tough,  I am not feeling nearly as confident. Wish me luck when I work up the courage to try.

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