Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A very busy seven days

Just returned from a marathon weekend last night. Drove to New Jersey through a snowstorm on Wednesday. Had a quiet and very pleasant Thanksgiving with our friends the Rapps in Glen Rock. On Friday drove 600 miles to Detroit with our friend Helen. The drive went smoothly except for the last twenty miles of icy roads with  more minor accidents then I have ever seen before in one month let alone one hour.

Stayed at a great place, the Inn on Ferry Street which comprises four converted upper middle class late nineteenth century mansions.  Spent three hours in the very impressive Detroit Institute of Art, then changed and went to Adam Breslawski's wedding to Erin Tobin. The wedding took place in the beautiful Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the reception at the elegant and very traditional Detroit Athletic Club. Was great to spend time with our friends Gina and Tom and their families and to meet the delightful Tobin Clan. On Sunday morning we had breakfast with great friends met through scouting in Glen Rock, the Foglemans. We had seen them briefly the night before when they were dining at the Detroit Athletic Club. Detroit has real resources and there is a great deal of activity and investment going on . We'll have to wait to see to what degree it will help resurrect the city.

Drove back to Glen Rock Sunday with only about one hour of heavy traffic. Visited an old friend in Ridgewood Monday morning and then down to Basking Ridge to see the staff, faculty, and  Sarah B. Everyone looked great despite the turbulence caused by the latest education deforms [ the d is not a typo.]

Yesterday went up to Yaw Paw, the local scout camp in Mahwah, visited with the ranger,  and delivered two vises I had repaired. [ Now I have fewer vises but no increase in virtues.] Then did some shopping for delicatessen and bagels  [ can't get good cold cuts or bagels in our part of Western Massachusetts]; we had lunch with an aunt and cousins on Jean's side; we did some more cold cut buying; and then we stopped to visit  my sister and brother in law and some of her family in Connecticut and got home around nine in light snow.

During the night we were treated to being awakened three times by our nineteen year old cat who literally shouts either for attention or while arguing with her water fountain. Anyone interested in adopting a cat?

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