Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Miscellaneous Mid April Report

Haven't posted much lately because not too much blog worthy to report and our internet service makes posting painful. Not much snow or precipitation of any kind for the last several weeks. We are having a reasonably early melt out of the snow and the lack of precipitation is holding any flooding to very low levels.

Visited some family in North Carolina in march. Good to see some nice folks.

On the flights back and forth I got to see some of the development around Pittsburgh and Raleigh. It looks like sprawl is still in season, despite all its ills. More reliance on automobiles for everything, nothing within walking distance, kids needing appointments to find other kids to play with, large lots that only the landscapers get to see or use, etc.

Our local scout troop is in a rebuilding mode and we got a nice outing in, using snow shoes and a sledge, while the snow was still deep and firm.

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