Friday, October 23, 2015

On DeBroglie Wave length

An interesting take on the De Broglie wavelength. This is adapted from Ch1 Sect 5 of Quantum Mechanics of Particles and Fields by Arthur March, available from Dover Publications.

Consider a particle as an object of great or even infinite length along the x axis. Coordinates for this particles frame are x’,y’,z’,t’. Assume it oscillates say in the y direction with period tau’. Assume it is now moving in the x direction with respect to a set of coordinates K ( x,y,z, t) at velocity v. For simplicity we set t=0 when t’=0 at x=x’=0. Because the times in the particle frame and K differ, different positions, x, will see different phases of the oscillation. In particular let’s find a position, x*, in K where at time t=0 the phase is the same at x =0. This means that the time in the particle frame at this location must be tau’, i.e. a full period, ahead or behind t’=0. Let’s assume a period head i.e. t’ at x=x* and t=0 =tau’

Using the Lorentz transformation we have

t=0=gamma(tau’+vx’/c^2).                             [gamma =1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) ].

This means that x’ corresponding to t=o and x=x*

is given by vx’/c^2 = -tau’  or x’ = -tau’ c^2/v.

From this we can, using the Lorentz transformation for x,  find x*

x* = gamma (x’+vt’) = gamma (-c^2tau’/v +v tau’)

=gamma v tau’(-c^2/v^2 +1)  = gamma v tau’   v (1-c^2/v^2)

taking a factor of c^2/v^2 out of the parentheses we have

= gamma tau’  c^2/v(v^2/c^2- 1)     note that the term in () is   –1/gamma^2

we have x* = (- c^2/v) tau’/gamma.

Since the phase at x* is the same as at x=0 the distance between the two can be viewed as an apparent wavelength, lambda.  So lambda apparent = (c^2/v)  tau’/gamma. Since frequency nu = 1/tau we have  lambda= (c^2/v) /nu or

lambda nu = (c^2/v)  so that (c^2/v)  can be thought of as the phase velocity.

Since E = gamma mc^2 = h nu

and  momentum, p = gamma mv= mc^2  (v/c^2) =  h nu (v/c^2)

p = h nu / (c^2 /v)= h nu/ lambda nu = h/ lambda or p = h/ lambda,  the De Broglie relation.

Thus when a particle exhibits wave nature it is because the particle is intrinsically oscillating in some sense,   which determines tau’, and it has motion relative to an observer the velocity of which determines, with tau’, the observed wavelength. Note that this also makes the De Broglie wavelength something of an artifact of special relativity, i.e. the fact that the clocks in the two frames are not synchronized.

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