Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Revised Rotational Motion

Keep in mind that angular displacement,velocity, and acceleration can be treated in the same way as linear quantities. For example ( w is omega here)

w final = w intial + aplha delta t

delta theta = (w final+ w initial)/2 x delta t
delta theta = (wfinal squared - winitial squared)/2 alpha
delta theta = w initial x delta t + 1/2 aplha x delta t squared

Angular mechanics is similar to linear with torque replacing force; Moment of inertia [I] replacing mass [M]; w replacing v; and alpha replacing a.

For example, a = F/M in linear motion is replaced by alpha = Torque/ I in rotational (angular) motion. KE linear =M vsquared/ 2 but KE rotational = I wsquared/2

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