Friday, December 29, 2006

Notes on Archimedes' Lab and Principle

Derivations of Archimedes Principle

Archimedes Principle comes about due to the net force the pressure of the surrounding fluid exerts on an object in the fluid. Since the pressure is greater below the object is greater than the pressure above the object the upward force from pressure below the object is greater than the downward force form the pressure above the object. This creates a net upward force called the buoyant force, FB. The magnitude of FB can be derived as follows.

Pressure below, Pbelow is greater than Pressure above, Pabove by:

DP =rfluid x g x h of object submerged in fluid. (1)

where rfluid is the mass per m3 of fluid

Since force = pressure times area, FB ,the net upward force from the upward force of the pressure below - the downward force from the pressure above is given by the difference in pressure multiplied by the area of the horizontal face of the object:

FB = DP x A (2) and we can use equation (1) to replace DP and get

FB =rfluid x g x h of object submerged in fluid x A (3)

The volume submerged is the:

length x width x height submerged

= h of object submerged in fluid x A

= Vol submerged, which we will call Vsub,

we can rewrite equation (3) as

FB =rfluid x g x Vsub (4)

Since rfluid x g is the weight of a cubic meter of fluid

FB is equal to the weight of Vsub m3 of fluid and can be thought of as the weight of the fluid ÒreplacedÓ (or as most books would have it, displaced) by the object being submerged.

Another way to look at this [courtesy of Doc Jr.] is that before the object is submerged, the fluid surrounding the space provides enough net force to hold up the fluid in this space. This net force is equal to the Mg on the fluid in this space or rfluid x g x Volume of the space. When the fluid in that space is replaced (displaced) by the object, the surrounding fluid still supplies the same net force. This net force is FB so

FB = weight of fluid replaced ( displaced) by the object.

Floating objects

If an object is floating, then since acceleration in the vertical direction = 0,

Fnet vertical = 0 and so FB = - Fg = --Mg

FB = Mg

Since FB = rfluid x g x Vsub and Mg = robj x g x Vobj

and Vsub can never be more than Vobj

then floating objects must have robj no greater than rfluid


If an object floats on a lake the pressure on the top is 1 atmosphere. The pressure on the bottom is:

1 atmosphere + rair x g x h in air + rwater x g x h in water

so net force due to fluid pressure, FB, is DP x A

or = (rair x hair + rwater x hwater) x g x A

Which is the same as the weight of air of the volume of the

object in air, plus the weight of water of the volume of the

object in water

Since rair is so much less than rwater , we

usually ignore the rair x hair g x A

( i.e. weight of air of volume submerged in

air) term for things like boats and logs.

This would not be a good approximation for a helium filled balloon resting on a lake surface.

Apparent Weight

If you weigh an object in a vacuum the buoyant force is zero and your scale reads Mg. If you weigh it in air at the surface of the earth your scale will read Mg - FBair. The FBair term is usually negligible for objects other than balloons, etc. If you were to submerge an object in water the scale would read Mg - FBwater.

Archimedes' Principle Lab

In this lab you were to take several measurements:

The mass of an object, Mobj

The mass of the beaker, MB

The mass of water and beaker, MwB

The mass reading of the same water and beaker with a solid object suspended in it so it was fully submerged but did not hit the beaker bottom, MwBobj

Height of water, h0

Height of water with object hwobj

Internal area of beaker bottom, A

Since we are studying the buoyant force and pressure we need to convert the balance readings to force (N). This requires converting grams to kg (i.e. dividing by 1000) and multiplying by g (= 9.8 N/kg), force = M in kg x 9.8

Note that MwBobj is not the mass of something, it is the force supplied by the balance divided by g.

We can use these reading to try to confirm several things we learned about fluids. Your labs should address all 3 items below

1) Does P = rfluid g hfa ? where hfa = height of fluid above.

if this is true and since F= PA then MwB x g - MB x g should = rfluid g h0 x A

2) Since the buoyant force is an upward force on the object, the object must exert a downward force on the fluid. This is in accordance with NewtonÕs third law:

F of 1 on 2 = -F of 2 on 1. Since placing the object in the fluid places a downward force on the fluid in addition to the weight of the fluid and since there is still no vertical acceleration the balance must exert an additional force = FB.

This FB must be equal to (MwBobj x g- MwB x g).

Again, since F = PA we should also find that:

(MwBobj x g- MwB x g) = rfluid g (hwobj - h0) x A.

3) FB = volume of object (its all submerged) x rwater x g and

rwater x g = 9800 N/m3. Thus we can find volume of object by:

Vobj = FB/ 9800 = (MwBobj x g- MwB x g)/9800.

We can use this to find the density, robj by

robj = Mobj/ Vobj

You can compare this to density tables to see if your density makes sense. Your objects were iron or brass or perhaps lead or zinc.

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