Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Notes and Corrections for Fluids

Correction to Fluid Solution for problem 62 b. The velocity squared term for the smaller diameter is 16 squared or 256 not just 16. I believe this gives a pressure in the narrow line of 173,000 Pa

Specific gravity is simply the ratio of a material's ( solid or fluid) density to that of water. It may also be taken to mean the density in units of grams per cubic cm. Note that water has a specific gravity of 1 and a density of 1 g/cubic cm

Problem 3 on the problem sheet is worded poorly. It should ask: "What is the power output required from a motor to drive this pump?". The work done by the pump per second (i.e. the pump output power) , divided by the efficiency, gives the power that must be supplied by the motor.

Problem 7 on Unit 7 Problem sheet: The top of the ice would be level with the surface of the water. In other words it is just barely submerged. The guy doesn't get his feet wet, but he comes awfully close.

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