Sunday, December 24, 2006


Honors students (solo efforts or groups of no more than 3 are allowed)have the opportunity to improve their grades by submitting a project this quarter. The project can be either something you construct related to physics or a lab an honors class could perform. The criteria are the same as last quarter.
How much did you learn?
How much will some one else learn from performing your lab or seeing your project and hearing you explain it?
The quality and polish of your project.

The work must be your own [no cutting and pasting], and the principles of physics for your project or lab must be clearly explained. I will try to estimate the effort put into it in terms of hours. It can replace up to 12 points of your weakest category. If all you categories are strong it can amount to 3 extra credits. Note that this is subject to change depending on how the grades work out. A+ is not a reasonable average grade for a class. Again, I will be the sole judge; whining is forbidden.

I'll try to get this and last quarter's project folks to present right after our midyear exams.

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