Saturday, March 31, 2007

Honors project

The project can be a report, a lesson for the class, or a lab including instructions, list of equipment, and sample completed lab, or something you can build and explain ( in writing and orally). It can cover anything we have done or will cover this year. It must be in your words and something you develop. Cut and pasted downloads or the equivalent will be considere zeros. Cut and pasted downloads, etc. passed off as your own work will be considerd cheating!!! so don't do it. You may work with up to 2 other people. It should be about 10 to 12 hours of effort per person. Less effort will receive smaller weighting in calculating your grade. The project grade will be roughly 45% what you learned doing the project, 35% what someone else will learn from your project and 20% polish and quality.

Friday, March 30, 2007

AP Optics Readings

Here are three sets of info on optics you must read. We will not cover this in much detail in class. SummaryofGeoOpticsrev3-07.DOC



Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Magnetic Fields in an accelerator

A revised calculation for the Fermilab Tevatron B field.

The magnetic force provides the centripetal acceleration in large acclerators, i.e.
QvB/=mv^2/r ;
so for a proton held in circular motion by a magnetic field we have:
r =mv/eB and
B= mv/(r e) ( where "e" is the charge on a proton). At relativistic energy mv = E/c; where c = speed of light = 3E8 m/s. For a proton in the Tevatron E = 1E12 eV (where 1 ev =1.6E-19 J) and the radius is about 1000m
Thus we have:

B= [1E12x1.6E-19/3E8]/[1.6E-19x1000m]= 3.3Tesla or about 66000 times the earths magnetic field and about half of what the big coils on a fusion reactor would create.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Honors Unit 11 Schedulke

Here is the link for the revised schedule for Honors Physics Unit 11 Electric Currrents and Power.


Please do as much of Mondays's assignment as you can today. it will make the rest of the week much easier.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

More AP Magnetics Stuff

Links to notes and worksheets and problem set:





I will make some hard copies available but if you are printing this out let me know so I won't kill any extra trees.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

AP Unit 13 Magnetics

Here are the schedule and Practice Problem Set for Unit 13


Friday, March 16, 2007

AP Lab Reports

According to the College Board, many colleges will require you to show evidence of laboratory work to get advanced placement. In other words, hold on to your lab reports!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Extra Credit for Black Hole Lecture

My records show the following of my students attended the lecture on black holes at Rutgers on 3/3:
Dan Ryan, Andy Lee, Tina Aliprando, Alec Roelke, Ian Stanley, Lee Stevens, Christina Vivello, Neela Kumar, Michelle Samuel, Aaron Rosenberg, and Brittany Durrant. In addition I recognized Justen and EJ from the physics club. Let me know if I missed anyone.

My students who attended are elegible for some extra credit for writing a summary of the presentation. It should be at least three paragraphs. Topics you might include are: how the large black holes can form along with a galaxy; how they emit energy large amounts of energy( obviously we are talking about energy emitted by stuff before it enters the black hole); and how they are detected using our understanding of gravity and the motion of objects around a large mass. The role of dark matter in black hole and galaxy formation could also be discussed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

AP Practice Free Response

Refer to the the AP Free Response Questioon package you were given before February break. For Monday 3/19 do 95#2 96 #2 ,#4, 97 #1. Try on your own, really try, and then work with your group.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Honors Unit 10 Electric Potential

Here is the Schedule for Unit 10 Electric Potential. Note Changes from hard copy distributed in room 506: homework from Friday 3/16 onward has been advanced to an earlier date by one day. The quiz will be on Thursday 3/22

AP Unit 12 Currents

Here are your AP Unit 12 Schedule and Worksheets 1 and 2.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Honors Electrostatics Retest

As a prerequisite for the electrostatics retest, you need to submit a complete corrected copy of the first test we took last week. This copy is due tomorrow, 3/8,by 7:35 AM for my 8 th period class, and by classtime for my 3rd period class. The score on your retest will be multiplied by the percent correct on the corrected test you will be turning in tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Honors Study Groups

Every honors study group must meet for at least one hour every two weeks. Each member must turn in a brief report of the meeting. Failure to do so will result in an incomplete for the quarter. If you have a problem with this, let me know.

AP Tests

AP students: register for the test on line and turn your transportation form in to guidance. The physics B test is Monday afternoon May 14.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Black Hole Lecture Reminder

At Rutgers Saturday 3/3 2 PM at the physics lecture hall.

A Leading Expert on Black Holes will presetn a lecture aimed at popular audiences. BE THERE

See me for directions and more info