Saturday, March 31, 2007

Honors project

The project can be a report, a lesson for the class, or a lab including instructions, list of equipment, and sample completed lab, or something you can build and explain ( in writing and orally). It can cover anything we have done or will cover this year. It must be in your words and something you develop. Cut and pasted downloads or the equivalent will be considere zeros. Cut and pasted downloads, etc. passed off as your own work will be considerd cheating!!! so don't do it. You may work with up to 2 other people. It should be about 10 to 12 hours of effort per person. Less effort will receive smaller weighting in calculating your grade. The project grade will be roughly 45% what you learned doing the project, 35% what someone else will learn from your project and 20% polish and quality.

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