Saturday, April 7, 2007

Grades and Mandatory Study Groups

Study Group Meetings are Mandatory for 3rd Quarter for Honors and AP.
The rules are
Honors: no meetings no grade for quarter. One meeting lose 2.5 points. 2 meetings lose no points.

AP: fewer than 3 meetings no grade; fewer than 4 meetings lose 5 points.

You have until Tues AM to fix this. Each person must submit a report for each meeting covering time/date, place, subjects discussed.

You must meet outside class hours. NO faking reports .

Here are what my records show for those with fewer than the required meetings by Student ID:
AP Period 1 3 meetings: 80873, 85763, 201269, 201972, 2 meetings: 82845 all others 4 or more
AP Period 6 3 meetings: 300484, 82360 2 meetings: 81130, 80320
Honors Period 3 0 meetings: 80178, 204134, 202381, 201256, 80930, 84400.
Honors Period 3 1 meeting: 80845, 200841, 80911, 202431, 85194, 81700, 201112, 85306, 81766, 83290

Honors Period 8 All have 2 or more, nice going.

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