Friday, April 13, 2007

Honors Assignment

Your assignment for the weekend is to write a report on the magnet strength measuring device development lab we did on Thursday. I strongly suggest you develop this lab report in groups, but each report must be written in your own words. It is due Monday

Key ideas: Goal is to find B of the permanent magnet.
The force was measured by using a balance to get readings with and without the magnet near the solenoid ( coil). so Fmagnet on solenoid = F solenoid on magnet= (Mwith-Mw/o) x g

Magnetic Field generated by solenoid is Bsol = mu0 x I solenoid x N turns (500 in our case)/ solenoid height ).

F solenoid on magnet= L IPermMag x B sol.

Where IPermMag is the equivalent current in permanent magnet and L is the perimeter of the permanent magnet.

Then B PermMag = mu0 IPermMag/height of Perm Mag

Enjoy your weekend

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