Thursday, May 24, 2007

All Classes

Your assignment, amonst the other homework over the weekend, is to prepare your index card contianing all the data points you'll need to collect at Great Adventure. If you are not going, prepare one for the data listed on your data sheet. Make sure your name and group # are on the card.


Enjoy the holiday and remember to commemorate those who served this country.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Honors Soccer Ball Lab

Folks, you were supposed to turn in calculations of the initial velocity of the soccer ball based on total time in the air, and height of the ball above ground as it passed the pole about 5 m from the launch point, and the total horizontal distance traveled. These measurements were made available to all for 3 or 4 trials. Get them from a classmate if you don't have them.

Once you have them you can use Time to top = vyi/g and Total time = 2 x time to top to find vyi

Then you can use this to find how long it took to reach the pole from the launch point from the fact that y = vyi tpole - (g/2 ) x tpole squared. From tpole and the distance from the launch to the pole you can find vxi. You can then figure out vx final. [Note that vx is not constant as we usually assumed because this real case had lots of air resistance.]

This lab will be accepted no later than Tuesday.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Honors Schedules

Here is the 72nd revised schedule for Thermo and a new one for Sound. Hope we can keep to these - its up to you.



AP Relativity

At last, we can explore Einstein's revolutionary explanation of how the universe really works. Well at least the simple parts. Please download the following and read pages 1 through 7. This stuff is pretty hard so we will spend a fair amount of time on it.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

AP Special Assignments

Please remember any special assignment for which you have volunteered for this Friday ( period 1) and Monday (period 6). Remember, will be investigating the breaking strength of chips, the viscoisty of juice, and the energy content of pastry. We will need materials to contain these substances and to remove debris from faces, fingers, and table tops. Please do not forget you assignments.

Honors Thermo

Now that the dust of APs and Great Adventure is clearing I can tell you we will have a thermo test on Tuesday, May 22,.
Your assignment due Friday, May 18 is try the Carnot cycle on you grain elevator sheet. Note the 1/30 volume should be 1/3. Also review this link and for Monday, 5/21 draw PV diagrams for the other Carnot cycle given there.


For those of you who missed it review these notes.


AP Projects

AP project proposals are due Monday 5/21. Projects are something you build and the physics of which you can explain. Proposals should describe the project, what physics you will learn and explain, and how you propose to build it.

Weekly progress reports are required. Projects must be complete by 6/11 since that's when the first presentations will be made.

Project teams can be 1, 2, or 3 people.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

AP Interim Grades

Here are your grades. Many of you are suffering from lack of study group reports. Others suffer from the dangerous disease "nolabitis". Email me your study and lab reports by 9 PM and I will try to include them in your interim grade.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fluids Test For Corrections

Here is the fluids test to use for creating a correct set of answers. Provide a complete (i.e., don't just correct what you got wrong), clean, perfect set of answers showing work and get 30 out of 30 points on a quiz. Any less than 90% correct and you will get no credit, so be careful. Due tomorrow for those without any APs left for this week, Thursday for those with one AP, and Friday for those with more than oneAP left this week.


Good Luck,

Dr. Cherdack

Monday, May 7, 2007

Revised Honors Thermo Schedule

Sorry folks, but since we lost some ground last week, I had to revise the schedule. Try to keep to this one. Do your best to do the homework and ask in class if you really need help.


Honors Assignments on Thermo

Here is the schedule for Unit 14 Thermodynamics.


Please catch up as soon as you can.
The following three assignments are due NO LATER THAN THURSDAY

1) Read Sec 10-1,2,3 and Thermo Notes Do Chap 10: 1,2, 10, try#17
2) Read Sec 10-4 Chap 10: 18, 25,26,29,46,47
3) Summarize thermo notes including heat engines; complete Chapt 10 # 17 to be reviewed in class Do Practice problems 3-7

Saturday, May 5, 2007

AP Take Home Test

ON the signup sheet for which test is to be considered homework and which to be considered as a test I noticed a trend. Many more students chose to have the FR counted as a test and not the MC. Let me make two points:

1) Low numerical scores on the MC are still high letter scores and I will mark the MC scores accordign to AP methods wherein 60% correct is probably the equivalent of a 95 or more.

2) This was an attempt to restore my faith in your integrity not a chance for you to optimize your grade by choosing to have only your highest test score counted. Many of you scored much higher on the FR than the MC and a disturbingly similar trend showed up on who chose the FR to be counted and not the MC. This seems like evidence that many of you misunderstood the purpose of the process and are still just pursuing a high grade at the expense of more important things.

Therefore, if you opted to count the FR but not the MC, unless I hear from you otherwise in a pretty convincing way, I will assume that if you did not believe the MC was honestly taken as a test, than the FR should also not be considered as a test. As I said, let me hear from you if you did really take the FR as a test but not the MC. Those of you who opted for MC but not FR or who said both were tests or both were homework need not respond.

Fluids Quiz Opportunity

I am giving you the opportunity to have a 30 point quiz consisting of correcting your last fluids test. Get 100 on your corrections and you get 30 points on this new "quiz". Less than 90 and you will get no credit, so do it right. You may ask for help but you cannot copy. All work must be your own and you must show complete understanding of the work you present. I reserve the right to question you and failure to show understanding will be deemed evidence of cheating. When you turn in the corrected test: all the work and answers are required ( including stuff you did right the first time) on new clean neat sheets. You also must turn in the question sheet with your name ( and the original owner's name if present) at the top. See me if you need a question sheet.

Honors Thermo

Honors Students Please see post on thermo notes from January 8. Download the second and third posts . The first one can wait until you are pretty comfortable with thermodynamics.

AP FR Homework

Here is the FR assignment due Monday ( Tuesday if you are taking an AP test on Monday).

Thursday, May 3, 2007

2004 FR

Here are solutions for 2004 FR
