Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Honors Soccer Ball Lab

Folks, you were supposed to turn in calculations of the initial velocity of the soccer ball based on total time in the air, and height of the ball above ground as it passed the pole about 5 m from the launch point, and the total horizontal distance traveled. These measurements were made available to all for 3 or 4 trials. Get them from a classmate if you don't have them.

Once you have them you can use Time to top = vyi/g and Total time = 2 x time to top to find vyi

Then you can use this to find how long it took to reach the pole from the launch point from the fact that y = vyi tpole - (g/2 ) x tpole squared. From tpole and the distance from the launch to the pole you can find vxi. You can then figure out vx final. [Note that vx is not constant as we usually assumed because this real case had lots of air resistance.]

This lab will be accepted no later than Tuesday.

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