Saturday, May 5, 2007

AP Take Home Test

ON the signup sheet for which test is to be considered homework and which to be considered as a test I noticed a trend. Many more students chose to have the FR counted as a test and not the MC. Let me make two points:

1) Low numerical scores on the MC are still high letter scores and I will mark the MC scores accordign to AP methods wherein 60% correct is probably the equivalent of a 95 or more.

2) This was an attempt to restore my faith in your integrity not a chance for you to optimize your grade by choosing to have only your highest test score counted. Many of you scored much higher on the FR than the MC and a disturbingly similar trend showed up on who chose the FR to be counted and not the MC. This seems like evidence that many of you misunderstood the purpose of the process and are still just pursuing a high grade at the expense of more important things.

Therefore, if you opted to count the FR but not the MC, unless I hear from you otherwise in a pretty convincing way, I will assume that if you did not believe the MC was honestly taken as a test, than the FR should also not be considered as a test. As I said, let me hear from you if you did really take the FR as a test but not the MC. Those of you who opted for MC but not FR or who said both were tests or both were homework need not respond.

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